The management of intangibles and corporate branding: Has anything changed in the relationship between business and society?




Intangibles management, communication strategies, dialogue with stakeholders, corporate brand, social impact


This article is an analysis of the management of intangibles in corporations. This means redefining the identity and management of the corporate brand with a view to obtaining social recognition and the support of stakeholders. Methodology. The Delphi qualitative methodology has been adopted. The communication expert interviews reveal the consequences of intangibles management in the new communication media. Results. Intangibles management contributes to differentiating and strengthening the brand and increases the reputation of the company. However, this requires a clear alignment of corporate governance and brand communication towards society’s interests. Discussion. Companies should explain what activities they carry out and why in order to secure the influence and recommendation of stakeholders. Conclusions. The new media should be participatory to achieve recognition and promote real solutions to social demands.


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Author Biographies

Nuria Villagra, Complutense University of Madrid

Tenured professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (, where she teaches the subjects Brand Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and New Trends in Business Communication.

Professor Villagra has edited various books, contributed numerous chapters to books and written a variety of articles on the subject of brand management, corporate social responsibility and communication. She also regularly gives papers at conferences within Spain and internationally.

She was a visiting scholar at the Center for Business Ethics of Bentley University (Waltham, Massachusetts) and fellow of the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts). She has worked with and given lectures at a number of universities (including the University of Montevideo, Erasmus University College of Belgium, Shanghai International Studies University, University of Málaga, University of Seville, EOI, ESIC Business and Marketing School, Villanueva University Centre and the Autonomous University of Barcelona).

She has completed an officially recognised six-year research period (2005-2010). She is a researcher under the Chair in Economic and Business Ethics (Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid), the research group Brand Management and Communication Processes (UCM) and the R&D&I project “New brand communication scenarios in business and institutions”.
During the last fourteen years, she has developed research and consultancy projects for various companies and institutions on subjects relating to commercial communication, corporate and institutional communication and the management of intangibles (brand, CSR, reputation, identity and image).

Belén López, Business & Marketing School, Madrid

Lecturer at ESIC, Business & Marketing School in Madrid (, where she teaches the subjects Corporate Image Management and Communication Management in the undergraduate programme. She also teaches a module on Corporate Governance and CSR within the EMBA programme and on Business Ethics and CSR in the International MBA and MBA at ESIC.

She written a book entitled Publicidad Emocional and contributed numerous chapters to books together with various articles in academic and professional journals on the subjects of the management of intangibles, corporate social responsibility and business communication. She also regularly takes part in conferences within Spain and internationally, and is a member of the Academy of Management and Academy of International Business.
She was associate professor at the Shanghai International Studies University in China, and visiting professor at the Plantijn Hogeschool and Erasmus University College in Belgium.

She is a member of the research group Brand Management and Communication Processes (UCM) and of the R&D&I project “New brand communication scenarios in business and institutions”.

In the last few years she has developed research projects on subjects relating to corporate and institutional communication and management of intangibles, specifically in relation to the global impact of CSR on organisations.

During her career she has worked for the civil service and subsequently in education. She was previously Head of the Communication Department at ESIC and is currently the International Coordinator for bachelor degrees there.

Abel Monfort, Villanueva University Center

Lecturer at the Villanueva University Centre (affiliated to the UCM) and at ESIC, Business & Marketing School in Madrid. Abel Monfort ( teaches the subjects Corporate Reputation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Market Research. His areas of research deal with the management of intangibles, in particular the brand and corporate reputation.

He edited the book Comunicación y Empresa Responsable ( and has written various book chapters and scholarly articles on the subject of brand management and the impact of corporate social responsibility.

He is a member of the research group Brand Management and Communication Processes at the Complutense University of Madrid and is the coordinator of the university seminar run by the Chair in Economic and Business Ethics at the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid ( He is also involved in the R&D&I project “New brand communication scenarios in business and institutions”.


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How to Cite

Villagra, N., López, B. ., & Monfort, A. . (2015). The management of intangibles and corporate branding: Has anything changed in the relationship between business and society?. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 793–812.




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