Audiences in revolution. Use and consumption of mass media groups’ apps for tablets and smartphones




Audiences, apps, mass media, tablets, smartphones


This article presents the results of a research study carried out at the Universidad de Salamanca by its Audiovisual Content Observatory in 2014. The objective of this study is to analyse the uses and consumption of mass media groups’ apps among students of the University of Salamanca. The study is based on Tablet Assisted Personal Interviews applied to a randomly selected sample of students of the University of Salamanca. The article addresses the research hypotheses, results and conclusions on the uses and consumption of media groups’ apps among students of the Universidad de Salamanca. This work identifies the most significant trends in young people’s allocation of times and places in the consumption of tablets and smartphones. The results indicate that mass media corporations are gradually adapting themselves to the progressive migration that the audience is undertaking towards renewed forms, spaces and times of audiovisual media content consumption. New smart screens allow users to consume TV content from any device with access to the internet. Mass media groups are adapting the traditional value chain of the audiovisual industry, television, radio and the press to the new demands of the multiscreen and hyper-connected young audiences, who increasingly link their leisure and consumption habits with even more interactive and smart devices.


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Author Biographies

Félix Ortega Mohedano, University of Salamanca

Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Audiovisual Communication of the University of Salamanca. Faculty in the PhD programme in Training in the Knowledge Society ( and the Master’s research programme in Audiovisual Communication ( and the Bachelor’s programme in Audiovisual Communication, all of the University of Salamanca.

Professor of Mass media in the society of knowledge and creativity; Digital economy; Communication and education; Audience research; Programming in the cultural and audiovisual industries; communication and education.

Félix Ortega Mohedano holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Doctoral degree in Communication culture and education, both from the University of Salamanca.

Lines of research: Audience research; Audiovisual-cultural programming and uses and consumption (Big-Data and Webdata); structure and economics of communication and cultural industries; audiovisual economy; communication and education; digital television; proximity television; new media and market research.
He has participated in more than 15 competitive funded international, national and regional research projects, and in research contracts.

He has directed 5 doctoral theses and is currently supervising 4 PhD students from the University of Salamanca. He has also directed PhD and associated research programmes.

He is currently dedicated full-time to the R&D project titled “Research system in Spain on social communication practices. Map of research projects, groups, lines, objects of study and methods” (Mapcom:, which is financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, of the Department of Research and Innovation (CSO2013-47933-C4-1-P).

Former main researcher of the project Cost Webdatanet, Web-based data-collection, methodological challenges, solutions and implementations IS1004 (, funded by the EU, member of the Management Committee and head of the Task Force 29, “Mediametrics”.

Member of the Observatory of Audiovisual Contents ( research group, of the Department of Sociology and Audiovisual Communication of the University of Salamanca.

Beatriz González Ispierto, University of Salamanca

Researcher-collaborator of the Observatory of Audiovisual Contents of the University of Salamanca.

Researcher-collaborator of the Institute of Education Sciences, Unit for Research and Audiovisual Production in Education Communication.

Beatriz González Ispierto holds a Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Communication and a Master’s degree in Audiovisual Communication Research, both form the University of Salamanca.

PhD student of Education in the Society of Knowledge at the University of Salamanca.

Lines of research: audiences and media research; apps and use and consumption habits; new media, communication and education; use and consumption habits in education; digital economy.

María Esther Pérez Peláez, University of Salamanca

Academic coordinator of the MBA in Cultural Enterprises and Institutions of the University of Salamanca; Professor and researcher at the Institute of Education Sciences of the University of Salamanca.

Collaborator of the Observatory of Audiovisual Contents of the University of Salamanca. Collaborator of the UNESCO Chair in Performing Arts at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

María Esther Pérez Peláez holds a Diplome d´ Etat in Dance Teaching (CAFEDEM, Bordeaux, France), Postgraduate Degree in Dance Teaching (Rey Juan Carlos University), Master’s degree in Performing Arts (Rey Juan Carlos University), and PhD in Communication, Education and Performing Arts (Rey Juan Carlos University).

Lines of research: education and dance; teaching of the performing arts; cultural management of the performing arts; communication and education in the performing arts; new media and performing arts; new communication platforms and performing arts; the app revolution; audiences and new media.


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How to Cite

Ortega Mohedano, F. ., González Ispierto, B. ., & Pérez Peláez, M. E. . (2015). Audiences in revolution. Use and consumption of mass media groups’ apps for tablets and smartphones. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 627–651.


