The feminisation of journalism studies: an analysis of the Spanish case




Journalism, university studies, feminisation, Spain, women


In recent years, the hypothesis of the feminisation of the profession of journalism has spread across Spain due to the gradual incorporation of women into the country’s media job market and, above all, due to the increasing proportion of women among journalism graduates each year. For this reason, this research study aims to establish the real extent of the feminisation of journalism studies. Methods: the study is based, firstly, on a review of the theories that explain the basis of the feminisation of journalism in order to understand the implications of the increasing number of women journalists for the journalistic profession, news content and the private and family spheres. Subsequently, the study involves a quantitative and comparative analysis of the feminisation of journalism in public and private universities. Conclusions: The analysis of the presence and performance of women among journalism graduates in Spanish universities reveals that the feminisation of the profession is a well-established reality.


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Author Biographies

Diana Rivero Santamarina, University of the País Vasco

B.A. in Journalism (2007) and Ph.D. in Information Sciences (2013), both from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her doctoral thesis is titled: La situación profesional de las periodistas en los principales medios de comunicación del País Vasco (“The professional situation of women journalists in the mainstream media in the Basque Country”).

Assistant Professor of cyber-journalism writing at the Department of Journalism of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Her main research line is the professional situation of women journalists and the integration of the gender perspective in communication studies to promote gender equality. A secondary line of research is the presence of brands in social networks.

Koldobika Meso Ayerdi, University of the Basque Country

Professor at the of the School of Social and Communication Sciences of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where he teaches cyber-journalism writing and research theory and methods in cyber-journalism in the M.A. programme in Social Research.

He has also taught Media models and Introduction to online journalism. Author of several books about online journalism and of over twenty articles published in journals such as Estudios del Mensaje PeriodísticoZerAnálisi and Latina. Co-author of a manual on online journalism writing.

Director of the Department of Journalism II of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and a project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (“Active audiences and journalism: analysis of the quality and regulation of user generated content”, reference CSO2012-39518-C04-03).

Simón Peña Fernández, University of the Basque Country

Ph.D. in Information sciences from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Associate professor and Dean of the School of Social and Communication Sciences. He teaches research methods in online journalism in the M.A. programme in Social Research. He also part of the faculty of the M.A. professional degree programme of the Euskal Irrati Telebista and the University of the Basque Country.

Author of several books on journalism, film and online journalism, and of articles published in journals such as Estudios del Mensaje PeriodísticoZerTextual & Visual Media, Ámbitos, Palabra Clave and Latina. He is also the editor of the Mediatika journal


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How to Cite

Rivero Santamarina, D., Meso Ayerdi, K. ., & Peña Fernández, S. . (2015). The feminisation of journalism studies: an analysis of the Spanish case. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 566–583.




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