Content rating and labelling in the main Spanish televisions




Protected schedul, Self-Regulation Code, content labelling, children, content ratings


This paper discusses how Spanish media service providers rate and label their contents, and if they do it according with the requirements of the Self-Regulation Code on Television and Children (Código de Autorregulación de Contenidos Televisivos e Infancia). It also highlights the problems of interpretation of the guiding criteria, due to their lack of concretion and ambiguity. Methodology: The methodology is based on the Case Study, completed with a questionnaire and with some personal interviews with a group of experts. Results: It is noted that although all Media providers provide rating information on the screen, some of them do not offer this information in their EPG, their web pages, or their teletext. Some of the interviewed alleged the difficulties to interpret the classification criteria in the Code. Discussion and Conclusions: Even though Media providers do an effort to comply with regulations, the overall scenario for content rating and labelling in Spain can clearly get improved. It is important to enhance the system, by reformulating the rating criteria, promoting a better use of the information technologies, and start to label audiovisual content provided online.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino, Complutense University of Madrid

Miguel Ángel Ortiz Sobrino holds a PhD degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid; Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and in Visual and Auditory Image Sciences; and a Diploma in Media Research from the Media Research Association (A.I.M.C.). Professor of Media Management and delegate of the Medialab/Inforadio research groups of the School of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. Former director, from 1989 to 2009, of the Master’s degree programme in Radio of the Complutense University of Madrid and RNE

His research interests are media management, radio and television production, and the relationships between children and the media.

He is the author of more than 40 publications and articles related to the field of communication. In 2014, he edited the book Las radios universitarias en América y Europa (“University radio stations in America and Europe”). His scientific contributions can be found in Estudios del Mensaje PeriodísticoComunicarEl Profesional de la Información and Telos, among other journals.

His professional career has been linked to RTVE since 1977, where he worked as Chief of Programming at Radio 5, Deputy Director of terrestrial stations at RNE, and Programme planning Deputy-Director at RNE. Former Director of the Official Institute of Radio and Television (2000-2009) and Deputy Director of Radio Televisión Madrid, and Head of Programming at Onda Madrid.

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H Index: 6

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Carmen Fuente Cobo, Villanueva University Center

Professor of Ethics and Deontology of Information at the Villanueva University Centre, officer at the Degrees in Communication Division and Coordinator of the Degrees in Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication. Author of more than 30 publications on issues related to ethics in media and communications, children’s protection, journalistic ethics and communication policies.

Member of the Television and Childhood Project (Procotin) and the Villanueva Communication and Society Observatory.

Co-author of Infancia y televisión. Políticas de protección de los menores ante los contenidos audiovisuales (“Children and television. Policies for the protection of minors from audiovisual contents”) (2009) and The Cultural Obligations of Broadcasting (1990).

Director of TV content for the cable TV operator ONO and Director of Planeta 2010, a producer of thematic channels, owned by Grupo Planeta.

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H Index: 6

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Juan María Martínez Otero, Cardenal Herrera University

Juan María Martínez Otero holds a PhD in Law from the University of Valencia. Professor of Communication Law at the Cardenal Herrera Universidad (CEU), in the degree programmes in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. His main field of expertise is the protection of minors in the field of communication. Author of many journal articles and the book La protección jurídica de los menores en el entorno audiovisual (“The legal protection of minors in the audiovisual environment”), published by Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi, 2013.

He has conducted research stays at the universities of London, Oxford and Glasgow. He has participated in different research groups working on the regulation of the communications sector, such as the Television and Childhood Coordinated Project (PROCOTIN) (2011-2012); Pluralism and Contents in the new Spanish Regulation of Audiovisual Markets (2013-2015); and Criminal Law and the Internet (2012-2014).

He has delivered lectures in colleges and institutes on the education of adolescents in the responsible use of new technologies. These lectures have been directed at both students and their parents. He has also regularly written opinion articles for the mainstream press.

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H index: 3


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How to Cite

Ortiz Sobrino, M. Ángel ., Fuente Cobo, C., & Martínez Otero, J. M. . (2015). Content rating and labelling in the main Spanish televisions. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 468–489.


