The presence of Chilean women researchers in Spanish-language journals




Women researchers, science, knowledge, Chile, equality, gender


This research article describes and analyses the conditions of access to scientific journals faced by women researchers and the opinions of these researchers about the characteristics, possibilities and limitations of the different stages of the research process and the access to scientific publications, particularly the conditions of gender equality. Method: The study started with the exhaustive review of a sample of journals that could potentially include work developed by women researchers; and the analysis of 29 survey-questionnaires and 3 in-depth interviews applied to Chilean female researchers. Results and conclusions: the current situation faced by Chilean female researchers is, without trying to be negative, clearly improvable. In order to generate the conditions to strengthen the performance of female researchers, especially in the dissemination of knowledge, female researchers need to act as a collective and in collaboration with the corresponding academic and political institutions. 


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Author Biographies

Carlos del Valle Rojas, University of La Frontera

Carlos del Valle Rojas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication, a Master’s degree in Communication Sciences, from the University of La Frontera (Chile), a Doctoral degree in Communication, from the University of Seville (Spain), and a Postdoctoral degree in Contemporary culture, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

He carried out a postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Oklahoma (USA). He has started postdoctoral research fellowship in Communication, media and culture at the School of Journalism and Social Communication at the National University of La Plata (Argentina). His lines of researches are communication, discourse, interculturality and education.

He is author and co-author of more than 100 publications. Recognised as researcher by Chile’s National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT), Brazil’s National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Spain’s Central American Integration System (SICA).

He has participated in more than 20 research projects. Postgraduate–level Professor in Chile, Argentina and Spain. Member of the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication and Dean of the School of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of La Frontera (Chile).

David Caldevilla Domínguez, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor David Caldevilla Domínguez holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences (Audiovisual Communication) from the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a Diploma in Teaching from the University of Zaragoza. Recognised as Full Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA). Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, the European University of Madrid, the IED, the ESERP and IPAM (Porto - Portugal-).
Speaker and lecturer in several courses and teacher of several degree programmes (Telemadrid, Walter & Thompson, McCann, etc.). Secretary General of the Spanish Society of Ibero-American Communication Studies (SEECI) and the “International Forum for Communication and Public Relations” (Fórum XXI).

Leader of the Complutense ‘Concilium’ Research Group. Author of more than 50 scientific articles and 6 books: Asturias y La Rioja, una historia común (“Asturias and La Rioja, a common story”), El sello de Spielberg (“Spielberg’s seal”), Cultura y RR.PP. (“Culture and Public Relations”), Manual de RR.PP. (“Public Relations Manual”), Las RR.PP. y su fundamentación (“Public Relations and their Foundation”) and  La cara interna de la comunicación empresarial(“The inner face of business communication”). Director of doctoral theses.

Member of scientific committees in many conferences and international scientific journals. Speaker at over 70 international conferences. Director of conferences organised by CUICIID and SEECI. Guest author in various publications and radio presenter.

César Pacheco Silva, University of Valparaiso

César Pacheco Silva is a journalist. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication from Playa Ancha University (Valparaiso, Chile), a Diploma in Health Care Mediation, from the University of Chile; a Postgraduate Diploma in Strategic Communication and a Master’s degree in Communication and journalism, from the from the Catholic Pontifical University of Valparaíso; and a Doctoral degree in Human Sciences (speech and culture), from the Austral University of Chile.

He currently works as academic and researcher at Playa Ancha University.

He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in areas related to organisational communication and broadcasting. He has several publications in indexed journals and has participated in many conferences on topics related to the field of communication.


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How to Cite

del Valle Rojas, C., Caldevilla Domínguez, D. ., & Pacheco Silva, C. . (2015). The presence of Chilean women researchers in Spanish-language journals. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 451–467.




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