Scientific communication study about health for young people and quality assessment of digital resources




Health information, communication, Internet, web, information quality, young, teens


The increase of Internet's popularity in recent years has dramatically changed the ways in which people carry out health information searches. This is not limited to the searches made by adults but also have a repercussion on young adults and teenagers. Objectives. The research had two main objectives: to know the quality, selection and accreditation criteria of the health information which is communicated in the web pages and verify how young people search for health information on Internet. Method. The study responds to a qualitative and quantitative paradigm, as complementary ways of perceiving the same reality, based on a holistic study from its entirety and its context. Thus, we have carried out an analysis of the contents of the digital resources with health information; in-depth interviews with the heads of web pages; focus group with teenagers from advanced secondary education and university students; concluding with an ethnographic study and quantitative study based on the execution of closed questionnaires to the analysed population segment. Results. The heads of the web pages with health information for the younger population are aware of the importance of their labour and the responsibility which corresponds to them. They are aware that information should not be focused from a paternalistic perspective but with objectivity. The young adults and teenagers consider that the ideal web page with health information must be very practical and visual, with accessible and reliable information, which permits interactivity with the users and where user opinions and professional health care advice are clearly distinguished. Discussion and Conclusion. The need to acquire healthy habits has emerged as a topic which generates major interest among young people and it has a cultural component: it is primarily learned in the home, reinforced at school and in the relations with peer groups. The mass media also play a major role in the way in which young people interpret health.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Peñafiel-Saiz, University of País Vasco

Carmen Peñafiel Saiz is Associate Professor at UPV/EHU (1994) and Accredited by ANECA as a Tenured Lecturer (2012). PhD in Journalism from UPV/EHU in 1992. Has three recognised Sexenios and 5 Quinquenios . Her CV demonstrates a clear line of continuity in her academic career, always linked to the audiovisual media, covering both research and teaching. She has worked as Editor-Announcer in Cadena SER, Radio Popular de Bilbao and Radio Euskadi-EITB, in management and conducting of news, cultural and entertainment programmes. Has also taken part in the talk show ‘Escrito en el aire’ of RNE-País Vasco.

Combining this with other social communication phenomena: digital and international communication, media use and consumption, audiovisual content, gender studies and original meta-theoretical contributions on the discipline. Is currently working on a line of research on Communication and Health. Has always striven to prioritise quality and effort, adopting a rigorous stance.

Has taken part in 21 research projects, in 10 of which as principal investigator, among them a European Project which she headed as a UPV/EHU partner. Has participated in many congresses, disseminating her research results, also publishing articles in scientific journals. This accumulated research experience has led her to be included in scientific committees in international congresses, and to become a founding member of IREN (International Radio Research Network); member of the scientific committee of the French radio research group, GRER; member of the scientific council of the journal TELOS (Telefónica Foundation); has been coordinator of the 'Digital and Cultural Communication' section of the Asociación Española de la Investigación en Comunicación (AE-IC), since 2012 has served on the Board of Directors (tenure to 2016). Her research activity has resulted in prolific and regular production, with more than 75 contributions to both indexed journals and other journals of scientific interest, and contributions to chapters in books and authorship of books.

Of particular note have been research residencies in the United States: University of Nevada (USA), Basque Studies Center-Reno (USA); Facultad de Comunicación y Humanidades-TEC de Monterrey (MEXICO); Institut for Informasjons og Medievitenskap-Bergen (NORWAY) and the prestigious University of California-San Diego (U.S.A.). Enjoys growing international projection as a speaker at top scientific gatherings within her field both in Spain and beyond (France, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, Italy, U.S.A., Mexico, Cyprus, etc.) with over 75 participations in research congresses and seminars.

Also of note is her dedication to other scientific management activities, for example her responsibility for 4 two-year PhD periods, the design of the Public University Master in Social Communication; member of the Academic Committee and since 2013, head of the Master in Social Communication. Has combined these activities with work in scientific and administrative management: member of the Governing Council of UPV/EHU (4 years) the University Senate (6 years); member of the Faculty Board. Participates as ANECA academic expert, in ANEP and ACCSUCyL. Recognition of teaching excellence (level "A").

Translator’s note – Six-Year periods of external assessment of research activity

Translator’s note – Five-Year periods of external assessment of research activity

Milagros Ronco López, University of País Vasco

Milagros Ronco is an Associate Professor at University of the Basque Country (2001) on the specialty of Documentation. She has worked in communication and documentation centers as well as specialized databases. She is a member of the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO as a Vocal Communication Group representing the University of the Basque Country since 2000. She has participated in several research projects funded by UNESCO and the UPV-EHU.

She has published various contents directly related to the organization of information, as well as health-related issues in the media and on website subjects of recent research projects. It is a founding member of the Basque Association of Librarians, Archivists and Information (ALDEE: 1991) integrated in the Federation of National Associations of Archivists, Librarians and Documentation (FESABID).
She is a member of the Scientific Council of the magazine "Documentation Information Sciences "(Ed. Universidad Complutense of Madrid) since 2004.

Lázaro Echegaray-Eizaguirre, University School of the Bilbao Chamber of Commerce

Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre (Madrid, 1971). Bachelor in Sociology from the University of Granada and Phd from the University of the Basque Country. Professor in the Chamber of Commerce University of Bilbao (EUCCB). As an academic researcher Lazaro Echegaray is specialized in communication, social analysis and media analysis with a high interest in everything in relation with the audience analysis and reception processes. During the last years he has belonged to different investigation teams in the Carlos III University of Madrid, where he has carried out audience research, as well as in the University of the Basque country where he has carried out researches about health issues treatment in written medias and health information search carried out by youth from Navarre and The Basque country in Internet.

Within the private field, he has more than fifteen years of experience as a market researcher, aimed to consumption matters. He is a specialist in qualitative social research. He has mainly performanced his profesional work in this field.


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How to Cite

Peñafiel-Saiz, C. ., Ronco López, M., & Echegaray-Eizaguirre, L. . (2015). Scientific communication study about health for young people and quality assessment of digital resources. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (70), 300–321.


