News Pluralism and Public Media in Spain.Televisión Española’s regression following a change of government (2012-2013)




Spain, news pluralism, public television, broadcasting policy, content analysis, political parallelism


This article describes and analyses the policies applicable to Spain’s national public broadcaster’s governance model that were adopted in November 2011, when the conservative party Partido Popular (PP) came to power. The specific reforms and their implications for the News Services of Televisión Española (Spanish Television, TVE) are examined, beside the consequences for the information and the level of pluralism. Methodology: It has conducted a content analysis of two samples from three weeks of the first quarter of 2012 and 2013 (1294 news). Results and conclusions: It was found that the regovernmentalisation of the management bodies of the Corporación de Radio y Televisión Española (Spanish Broadcasting Corporation, RTVE) had increased TVE’s content banalisation to the detriment of major current affairs issues; fewer points of view and sources were observed in the coverage of labour-related news. Besides this regovernmentalisation, interpretative journalism tended to prevail over descriptive journalism, with an increase in the positive tone of economy-related news.


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Author Biographies

María Luisa Humanes, Rey Juan Carlos University

She is Associate Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD. in Communication Sciencies at the University Complutense (Madrid) since 1997.  Postgraduate in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis at Sociological Research Centre (CIS)

Since 2002 she is Associate Professor in the area of knowledge of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and has recognized two complements of scientific productivity by the CNEAI (1997-2009).
She was Director of the Department of Communication Sciences II, University Rey Juan Carlos, and has served on the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Communication Sciences for the reform of the Communication degrees within the European Higher Education Area.

Vocal member of the Committee on Science Policy at AE-IC. Her research interests are: Theories and research methods applied to communication, professionalization and professional cultures in journalism and journalistic.

Isabel Fernández Alonso, Autonomous University of Barcelona- UAB

Currently she is Associate Professor at the Autónoma University of Barcelona and director of the Research Group Structure and Communication Policies - Daniel Jones.

PhD in Information Sciences (Section Journalism) from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he did his doctoral thesis on media policies in Spain during the Transition to democracy.

She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Media in Europe at the Free University of Brussels and Professor of Design and Communication Policy at the Catholic University of Murcia, in the Centro de Estudios Superiores Felipe II of Aranjuez, and Catalan universities Abat Oliva - CEU and Ramon Llull.

She was also researcher at the Institute of Communication at the Autónoma University of Barcelona, where she led for ten years, the Centre for Communication Policy, coordinating various projects on topics such as policies on aid to the press or the processes of implementation of DTT in Western Europe.

Since 2010 she is professor in the Department of Media, Communication and Culture at the Autónoma University of Barcelona and, since March 2013, Academic Secretary.


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How to Cite

Humanes, M. L., & Fernández Alonso, I. . (2015). News Pluralism and Public Media in Spain.Televisión Española’s regression following a change of government (2012-2013). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 270–287.


