Communication in the Process of Social Change in Latin America: Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela




Communication, Social Change, Latin America, Democratization


Research introduction and methodology. In this research, four cases of social change processes in Latin America have been analyzed, paying special attention to the relationship between media, democracy and power. A selection of countries has been chosen because of their specific characteristics, as they represent different models of communication democratization: Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela. Results. Similar results have been observed in the social change processes, bound to communication in Latin America, while identifying some differences related to the particular characteristics of each media system owing to the diversity of social and economic processes and structures. Conclusions. The research results reveal a social imaginary based on the democratization of communication and, on the other hand, on the achievement of a true diversity of voices on media scenarios, which may favors a social change in the medium and long term.


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Author Biographies

Ana Jorge Alonso, University of Málaga

Since her entry into the University, she has entered a general line of research that addresses the relationships between power and communication from a critical perspective, and at the same time delves into the line of Women's Studies. The 2004 publication of Women in the Media, Women of the Media. Image and female presence in public televisions: Canal Sur TV in the Icaria publishing house, with a great tradition in the field of gender issues, has been included as a reference work in Gender Studies, in several Spanish university and institutional repositories and foreign. Between 2003 and 2009, she coordinated the Doctoral Program in Communication and Power at the University of Malaga, in which she was in charge of a line of teaching and research in "Women's Studies in Communication." The stay carried out in 2005 at the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II is related to the consideration of communication as one of the vertices of the power relations between the center and the periphery, in which the Mediterranean occupies a peripheral place in the production of messages. This study originates from a research award from the Filmoteca de Andalucía on the film exhibition market that allows us to verify the degree of penetration of North American multinationals in the Spanish and Andalusian market. The concern for the knowledge of aspects that limit the material conditions for the exercise of the right to equality in communication processes has broadened her research interest towards migration and cooperation. She works on various cooperation projects, both in training and research, in several Latin American countries. The conjugation of communication for development with the gender perspective was the framework of the first stay (2006) in La Paz (Bolivia) at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar and at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; institution with which it continues to collaborate through its Center for Research and Postgraduate Studies in Development Sciences (CIDES). She develops a line of analysis of the informative treatment of violence against women in whose field she has directed, in addition to five others, the one entitled “Violence and the media. The treatment of violence against women in TV news. The proximity to the fact ”, by Lourdes Rivilla (2010). He also participates in the project of excellence of the Junta de Andalucía "Observatory of the informative treatment of gender violence with special attention to ethnic / cultural identity", and directs for two years the project "Gender violence: communication strategies and practices for the empowerment of women ”in cooperation with the University Institute for Women of the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala. Currently, she is participating in the research project of the National R + D + i Plan “The research system in Spain on social practices of Communication. Map of Projects, Groups, Lines, Study Objects and Methods "(MapCom)”(2013-47933-C4-3-P)

Ruth Ainhoa de Frutos García, University of Málaga

Ruth de Frutos has been a FPU researcher at the Department of Journalism at the University of Malaga since May 2011, where she is working on her doctoral thesis on media indicators and is a member of the project of the National Plan I + D + i "The research system in Spain on social practices of Communication. Map of Projects, Groups, Lines, Study Objects and Methods "(MapCom)” (2013-47933-C4-3-P). During these years, she has participated in congresses exposing her contributions in the research of media indicators in general and gender for the media, media literacy, freedom of expression, communication observatories in Latin America and transparency indicators, in particular. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Valladolid, where she combined these studies with those of Law, she has worked at the UNESCO Chair in Communication at the University of Malaga (2009-2010) and at the UNESCO Center in Turin (2010-2011). She had previously collaborated through contracts and scholarships with various communication or media companies, such as El Norte de Castilla, Nuevo Cuño or the EFE Agency. Her interest in human rights led her to collaborate in the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights in Buenos Aires (Argentina) within the Academic Practices in Cooperation Projects program at the University of Valladolid (PACID) and to hold various positions as an Amnesty activist International in Valladolid, Granada and Malaga. She currently combines her functions as a researcher at the University of Malaga with those of a member of the Observatory for International Cooperation for Development of the University of Valladolid and those of the group responsible for Communication, social networks and freedom of expression at Amnesty International in Malaga.

Emelina Galarza Fernández, University of Málaga

Emelina Galarza Fernández is a Doctor in Communication with an international mention and a Law Degree from the University of Malaga. With more than 20 years of professional experience, after a first stage practicing in professional firms, he completed a DEA in Law and economics of audiovisual communication at the Faculty of Law of Toulouse (France), carrying out a comparative study in the application between Spain and France of the MEDIA Program of the European Union. Later, and once he returned to Spain, he directed his professional career towards the field of Communication Law in private companies, highlighting the work carried out in a post-production company for the development of a highly specialized training center, in addition to the legal advice and in another audiovisual production, distribution and training company as head of legal advice and coordinator of international projects. During those years he was trained in gender equality, with a University Expert and obtained the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, and carried out a DEA at the Faculty of Communication of the University of Malaga investigating the relationship between ICTs, education and equality of gender, in general and, specifically, the tool "Averroes" of the Andalusian Government, object of investigation in the work to obtain the research sufficiency. Her work in women's studies leads her to participate in the Equal Initiative of the European Union and, in particular, in the study of the socio-labor insertion of rural women entrepreneurs in the province of Malaga led by the Malaga provincial public administration, in who, in addition, begins to work on Corporate Social Responsibility. Joined by the Novasoft company, it designs and implements a participatory internal communication methodology, thereby achieving transversality in the actions taken, turning the company into a benchmark socializing agent in terms of equality, promoting the CSR strategy based on criteria and international guidelines and, finally, promoting external communication in the social field (universities, associations and public bodies) through conferences, workshops and information days. This work will be the object of study in her doctoral thesis. Once the doctoral thesis has been completed, she is currently carrying out research at the University of Malaga, developing training projects in social networks for rural women entrepreneurs, in addition to being the Presidency of the Association for the Defense of the Public Image of the Woman.  


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How to Cite

Jorge Alonso, A., de Frutos García, R. A., & Galarza Fernández, E. (2015). Communication in the Process of Social Change in Latin America: Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (70), 1–13.


