Communication in the Process of Social Change in Latin America: Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela
Communication, Social Change, Latin America, DemocratizationAbstract
Research introduction and methodology. In this research, four cases of social change processes in Latin America have been analyzed, paying special attention to the relationship between media, democracy and power. A selection of countries has been chosen because of their specific characteristics, as they represent different models of communication democratization: Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela. Results. Similar results have been observed in the social change processes, bound to communication in Latin America, while identifying some differences related to the particular characteristics of each media system owing to the diversity of social and economic processes and structures. Conclusions. The research results reveal a social imaginary based on the democratization of communication and, on the other hand, on the achievement of a true diversity of voices on media scenarios, which may favors a social change in the medium and long term.
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