Public communication of science, scientific culture and sense of locality. The case of the city of Teruel, Spain




Public communication of science, scientific culture, social perception of science, localness


Introduction. This article analyses how the sense of localness mediates the articulations of the public communication and the social perception of science, as part of the configuration of scientific culture. Method. The analysis is based on the case study of the Spanish city of Teruel, which is examined by means of a semi-structured questionnaire and interviews. Results. The main consequences of the mediation exercised by the sense of localness in the public communication and the social perception of science occurred in such areas as the assessment of the communication of science in local media, the opinions on Teruel’s scientific institutions and their impact on local development, and people’s commitment to increase scientific culture in the city. Discussion. Taking into consideration the previous results, the article examines the main dimensions (communicative, emotional, individual/collective relationships) in which the local dimension mediates those articulations. Conclusions. The local dimension mediates the configuration of scientific culture in a complex way.


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Author Biographies

Alexia Sanz Hernández, Zaragoza University

Alexia Sanz Hernández holds a B. A. degree in Education Sciences (University of Valencia, 1989) and a Ph.D. degree in Sociology (University of Zaragoza, 1997). Vice-Rector for the Teruel Campus of the University of Zaragoza. Main researcher of in projects such as: “REVITAL. Study and implementation of strategies for the revitalization of fragile sub-regions in the Southwest of Spain (Teruel) and France (La Creuse)” (Programme INTERREG III B. European Union, 2003-2005); ”Strengthening of social capital and the construction of citizenship in the Memorial area Sandino of Nicaragua “(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Fundeso, 2005); and PLACES (Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science), Member of Teruel City Partnership, PLACES EU FP 7 project, 2008-2014), among others.

Author of books and numerous articles and communication papers presented in national and international congresses, including: “Information systems and control in social management, social responsibility and development” (Mexico, 2002), “Educating in an intersubjective and communicative approach: rescuing the social capital” (Prague, 2004), “Social capital and its forms of management in the public administration. New scenarios of citizen participation” (Valencia, 2004),”Theory and practice of rural development from the paradigm of social capital” (Alicante, 2004), and “The recovery of the citizen in the local cultural policy” (Buenos Aires, 2012).

Luis Alcalá Martínez, Teruel-Dinópolis Paleontological Foundation

Director of the Teruel-Dinópolis Paleontological Foundation since 2002 and the Paleontological Museum of Aragon (Aragón, Spain). Holder of an M.Sc. degree in Geological Sciences from the University of Granada (1982) and Ph.D. degree in Geological Sciences from the University Complutense of Madrid (1992). Coordinator of the Teruel City Partnership, PLACES EU FP 7 project. Scientific representative of the Maestrazgo European and Global Geopark (founder member of the European Geoparks Network) in the Coordination Committee of the European Geoparks Netwok. Director of the International Award on Paleontological Research Paleonturology, since 2003. Author or co-author of 40 research papers published in journals indexed in the Science Citation Index, 79 research papers published in other journals, and 9 books and 48 contributions in collective publications. Author and co-author of 18 new taxa of vertebrate fossils (including 8 dinosaurs).

He has been a Curator of Palaeontology and Prehistory (1990-2002), and Curator of Mineralogy and Petrology (1993-2002) in the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Vice-director of Exhibits and Public Programmes in the Spanish National Natural History Museum, Madrid (1997-2002), President of Spanish Society of Palaeontology (2003-2006; Vice-president 2000-2003) and Professor in Department of Experimental Sciences, of the University of Zaragoza (2008-2010).

Lázaro M. Bacallao Pino, Autonomous University of México

Lázaro M. Bacallao Pino holds a B.A degree in Social Communication (University of Havana, 2003) and an M.A. degree in Communication Sciences (University of Havana, 2006), and Ph.D. degree in Sociology (University of Zaragoza, 2012).

His research activity has been focused on social movements, ICTs, communication and power relationships. He has been a professor at the University of Havana and the University of Zaragoza, as well as guest professor at other Latin American universities. He has published about twenty articles, book chapters and books in Latin America, Spain and the USA. He is member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).


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How to Cite

Sanz Hernández, A. ., Alcalá Martínez, L. ., & Bacallao Pino, L. M. (2014). Public communication of science, scientific culture and sense of locality. The case of the city of Teruel, Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (69), 618–636.


