An approximation to the configuration of Spain’s audiovisual media in 2014. The case of Canal Sur TV




Historical perspective, outsourcing, politicisation, context, diversification of capital


Based on the analysis of the most important developments in the configuration of the Spanish and Andalusian public audiovisual sector up until the summer of 2014, this article proves that the current Spanish media landscape is characterised by concentration and, at the same time, by the diversification and internationalisation of capital. Method. The study is based on the structural approach, which involves the examination of the Political Economy of Communication, Information and Culture. Results and conclusions. The study has confirmed, once again, the existence of a hidden network of interests that involve media and non-media-related business groups. The article argues in favour of the development of a public television system that is properly managed as a public service, and contends that the current characteristics of the private television industry do not fully fulfil the rights of the Spanish citizens.


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Author Biographies

Ramón Reig, University of Seville

Ramón Reig teaches is a Senior Lecturer of the Information at the University of Seville (Spain). Founder and director of the Communication structure, history and content research group (GREHCCO, and Ámbitos, the International Journal of Communication (

Founder and coordinator of the international doctoral programme in “Communication and Culture in the Information Society”. Guest Professor at many universities, including: the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (Mexico), Don Bosco University (El Salvador), University of La Havana (Cuba), University of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), Cardiff University (United Kingdom), Florida International University (United States) and the National University of General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Author of many books, including: El control de la comunicación de masas (“The control of mass communication”) (1995); Medios de comunicación y poder en España (“Media and power in Spain”) (1998); El éxtasis cibernético (“Cyber Ecstasy”) (2001); Dioses y diablos mediáticos (“Media gods and devils”)(2004); El periodista en la telaraña (“The journalist in the spider web”) (2007); La telaraña mediática (“The media web”) (2010); Los dueños del periodismo(“The owners of journalism”) (2011); Todo Mercado (“Everything is market”) (2011); Educación para el Mercado (“Education for the market”) (director) (2013).

He worked as a journalist in various Spanish media companies and institutions from 1975 to 1991.

Rosalba Mancinas Chávez, University of Sevilla

Rosalba Mancinas Chávez holds a BA degree in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Mexico) and a PhD degree in Journalism from the University of Seville (Spain).

Member of the Communication structure, history and content research group (GREHCCO, HUM - 618) and is the President of the non-profit association Communication Studies Lab (LADECOM). Professor at the Department of Journalism II of the University of Seville and the EUSA University Centre.

Author of El poder mediático en México (“The media power in Mexico”)(2008)and La palpitante historia de la comunicación en Chihuahua (“The palpitating history of communication in Chihuahua”) (2009).

Coordinator of the books La mujer en el espejo mediático: el mediotrato femenino (“Women in the media mirror: the female media portrait”)(2010) and La mujer en el espejo mediático: sexo, género y comunicación (“Women in the media mirror: sex, gender and communication”) (2011). Coordinator the collective books Medios de comunicación y cambio climático (“Media and climate change”) (2012); Educación para el Mercado. Un análisis crítico de mensajes audiovisuales destinados a menores y jóvenes (“Education for the market. A critical analysis of audiovisual messages aimed at children and young people”) (2013); and La comunicación vigilante. El colectivo cultural Gallo de Vidrio (1972-2012) (“Vigilant communication”. The collective cultural Gallo de Vidrio (1972-2012)”) (2014).

Coordinator of three editions of the conference on gender and communication of the University of Seville and the first International Infoxication Congress (November, 2013).

Her line of research is information structure and the ideology transmission through the media, with special emphasis on women and children

Antonia Isabel Nogales Bocio, University of Sevilla

Antonia Isabel Nogales Bocio holds a BA degree in journalism and a PhD degree in Communication from the University of Seville. Professor at the School of University studies of Andalusia (EUSA) and at the Department of Journalism II of the University of Seville.

Member of the Communication structure, history and content research group (GREHCCO) and the Communication studies lab (LADECOM).

Coordinator of collective books, including: La mujer en el espejo mediático (“Women in the media mirror”) (2010) and Emprender en femenino en la comunicación (“Entrepreneurial women in Communication”) (2014). Author of more than one dozen of book chapters published by editorials such as Gedisa, Pirámide, Fénix Editora, Fragua, Universitas, etc.

Author of articles published by journals such as Temas de Comunicación, Correspondencia & Análisis o Razón and Palabra.

His field of research is the structural study of communication, focusing on the interrelationships between the political, economic and media powers, and their impact on journalists’ work


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How to Cite

Reig, Ramón, Rosalba Mancinas Chávez, and Antonia Isabel Nogales Bocio. 2014. “An approximation to the configuration of Spain’s audiovisual media in 2014. The case of Canal Sur TV”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 69 (September):593-617.


