Spanish primetime radio shows in Facebook and Twitter: Synergies between on-air radio broadcasting and social networks




Talk radio, social media, synergies, participation, interactivity


Public and private talk radio stations use social media to find new forms of content exploitation that transform the value chain of their brand and allow them to develop a different business model. Objectives: To define the synergies between conventional radio broadcasting and social networks in Spanish talk radio based on the analysis of four primetime radio shows, which are the flagship programmes of their radio stations. Method: Quantitative content analysis is used to examine the roles played by talk radio broadcasters and audiences in social networks and conventional radio broadcasting. Conclusion: Despite the increasing forms of audience participation channels, this research study demonstrates an almost total lack of interaction; which demands the establishment of synergies between conventional radio broadcasting and social media as a strategy to exploit the potential of these virtual spaces.


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Author Biographies

María Gutiérrez, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she teaches subjects related to audiovisual languages and script writing in the Bachelor’s and Official Master’s degree programmes in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism.

Member of the Observatori de la Ràdio a Catalunya (Radio Observatory of Catalonia). Her publications are related to radio contents in digital environments, youth audience and transnational communication.

Her research activity currently focuses on the use of social networks as a space for interculturality in the case of young people and on the analysis of the on-air and online synergies existing in the major Spanish radio broadcasters.

Josep Maria Martí, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), from which he earned a Bachelor’s and a Doctoral degree in Information Sciences.

He combines his teaching and research work with his job as radio professional. Member of the Image, Sound and Synthesis Research Group (GRISS).

Director of the Radio Observatory of Catalonia (l'OBS), member of the radio committee of European Broadcasting Union and the Forum Europénne des Radio. He has directed the Master’s degree programme in Management of radio companies, offer by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Cadena SER and Santillana Formación.

He is former Dean of Catalonia’s Col·legi de Periodistes. He has taught courses and lectured at conferences at various cities in Europe and America. His research work focuses on radio.

Iliana Ferrer, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Social Communicator and Journalist specialised in media management and production at Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla-Colombia). Holder of a PhD degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

She studied Film Production and worked in the field of audiovisual production, events management, and organizational communication. Member of the Image, Sound and Synthesis Research Group (GRISS) and the Radio Observatory of Catalonia (l'OBS), where she carries out research in the field of radio and television.

She is currently carrying out postdoctoral research on the spectacularisation of information in Mexico, the USA, Puerto Rico and Spain

Belén Monclús, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Belén Monclús holds a Doctoral degree in Audiovisual Communication by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Member of Image, Sound and Synthesis Research Group (GRISS) and the Permanent Observatory of the European Television (Euromonitor).

Coordinator of Catalonia’s Radio Observatory (l'OBS). Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Her research activity focuses on the fields of television, radio and Internet. In the area of television, she explores the television history, television systems, news content, programming trends, audiences and infotainment. In radio, she studies the evolution of this medium, the Catalan radio sector, youth audience, programming trends, digital radio, and on-air and online synergies. In the field of Internet, she studies the adaptation of conventional media to the online environment, especially to its business model and its multi-platform content strategy, the use of social networks, audience participation and the measurement of Internet audiences.

Xavier Ribes, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Holder of a Doctoral degree in Communication Sciences and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences (Advertising and PR). Professor of subjects related to new technologies in the graduate and undergraduate programmes in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Former Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and in postgraduate courses and non-class-based M.A. programmes  organised by the Postgraduate University Institute and the Open University of Catalonia, where he has also participated as content creator. His publications are related to the electronic media, interactivity, digitalisation, Internet and media communication.

His research activity focuses, at present, on the analysis of the major Spanish online media and the use of sound on the Internet. Winner of the Mass Communication Research Price awarded by the Government of Catalonia.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez, M. ., Martí, J. M., Ferrer, I. ., Monclús, B. ., & Ribes, X. . (2014). Spanish primetime radio shows in Facebook and Twitter: Synergies between on-air radio broadcasting and social networks. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (69), 418–434.


