Gender roles and the Spanish media, a three-decade-long comparative study




Gender roles, audiovisual texts, Spanish television, social evolution


This article presents the partial results of an interdisciplinary research study that is part of a wider innovation project funded by the University of Salamanca. Objectives. The main objectives of the study are to identify the gender roles represented in the Spanish television programmes produced during the 1960s, 1980s and 2000s in order to detect the social changes that have occurred throughout these periods. Method. The study is based on a mixed method: a survey questionnaire administered to students and professors from different postgraduate degree programmes to detect the social paradigms represented on television during the aforementioned periods, as well as the values and stereotypes that underpin them. To analyse the social changes in the different periods we performed repeated measures ANOVAs and the post-hoc test (Bonferroni correction) to the quantitative response variables of the survey questionnaire and nonparametric tests (Cochran’s Q test and McNemar’s Test) to the dichotomous categorical response variables. Conclusion. There has been a paradigm shift in the representation of gender roles in Spain, but this evolution has been uneven. The mistreatment of women is represented in the audiovisual texts and these representations seem to be based on the loss of the traditional identity.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel, University of Salamanca

Full Professor. Researcher in the areas of audiovisual narrative language, gender and cinematography, environment and cinema, nationalism and identity-creation through the audiovisual media and narrative television contents. Author of several publications. Main researcher of the NAES research group of the University of Salamanca.

Former lecturer at the University of Oviedo; the School of Visual Arts and Design of the Ministry of Education and Science (Huesca); the School of Communication of University of Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador; the Teacher-Training College of Huesca of the University of Zaragoza; and the University of Grenoble.

Member of the Organising Committee of Canal TV 45 during Gijón’s Third Black Week, during which also participated as newscasts producer and director of an ENG unit.

Board member of the Huesca Film Festival. Former Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Director of the Communication and Protocol Office of the University of Salamanca. Director and Professor at the MBA in Television Corporations (2004-2006). Coordinator and editor of the photography and film section of Revista Digital Enred, published by the University of Salamanca (2008).

Editor and director of the Fonseca Journal of Communication ( Director of various doctoral and master’s theses and dissertations since 1997.

Maria Luisa Ibañez Martínez, University of Salamanca

Holder of a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, a Diploma in Social Work, and an Outstanding Graduate Award (Premio Extraordinario de Grado) in Sociology, granted by the University of Salamanca. Professor in the degree programmes in Sociology, Social Work, and Environmental Sciences.

Member of the NAES research group of the University of Salamanca. Coordinator of the research group in Gender Violence and Gender Relations of the Centre for Women’s Studies of the University of Salamanca. Her doctoral thesis also explores gender-based violence and gender relations.
Member of the research group titled “Rights and freedoms in today’s society”, which is directed by Dr. Ángela Figueruelo Burrieza. Speaker at many national and international courses and congresses of varied themes.

Researcher in the areas of vulnerable and minority groups, environment, urbanism, cross-border cooperation, social services, education, employment, local development and, particularly, gender violence and relations.

Rodrigo J. Carcedo González, University of Salamanca

Associate Professor at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the University of Salamanca. His research work has recently focused on the study of the social, emotional and sexual needs of prisoners, their relation with the quality of life and health, and the gender differences that exist in these variables.

Author of several articles published in high-impact national and international journals, such as the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology and The Prison Journal. Editor of a book exploring the prison population.

Participant in studies on teen sexuality and gender differences. His general line of work focuses on social, emotional, and sexual development.

Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell, University of Salamanca

Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Salamanca. Holder of a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctoral degree from the same University. Member of the International Association of Procedural Law and the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law. Professor of Procedural Law (1994-2007).

Professor in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various European and Latin American universities.

Director of the Headquarters of the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca in Bogota. Main researcher of the IUDICIUM procedural studies group of the University of Salamanca. Visiting researcher at the Universities of Kansas (USA), Florence (Italy) and Trier (Germany).

Author of numerous specialised books and articles published in Spanish, Latin American and European journals. Speaker in many international conferences held in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

Director of several doctoral theses and dissertations, member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals, and informant and external evaluator of scientific publications and R&D projects.

Marta del Pozo Pérez, University of Salamanca

Associate Professor of Procedural Law. Accredited as Full Professor. Researcher in the areas of teaching and the procedural treatment of violence against women.

Academic director and organiser of courses, conferences and seminars related to gender equality and violence. Secretary of the Academic Committee and the Quality Committee of the Master’s and Doctoral degree programmes in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies of the University of Salamanca.

Founding member of the IUDICIUM procedural studies group of the University of Salamanca, which was recognised as a research group of excellence by the Government of Castile and León in the resolution of 15 November, 2007.

Author of several publications in the area of gender-based violence. Responsible for five programmes of research-complementary actions funded by the Women’s Institute from 2011 to until today, in the area of gender equality and gender-based violence.

Member of the Constitutional Law Feminist Network and the GENET network.

Fernando Martín Diz, University of Salamanca

Full Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Salamanca. Accredited as Chair Professor.

Doctor in Law (with Honours) by the University of Salamanca (2000). Researcher in seven research projects funded by the Government of Spain and the Government of Castile and León. Professor in the Master’s degree programme in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies of the University of Salamanca.

Author of the monographs titled La ejecución de la garantía hipotecaria sobre bienes inmuebles (“The execution of the mortgage guarantee on real state”) and El Juez de Vigilancia Penitenciaria como garante de los derechos de los reclusos (“The surveillance judge as guarantor of prisoners’ rights”). Author of many book chapters, scientific articles and reviews published in national and international journals of law. He has received the prize Rafael Martinez Emperor, awarded by the CGPJ for his mediation work: complementary system of administration of Justice.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez San Miguel, B., Ibañez Martínez, M. L., Carcedo González, R. J. ., Bujosa Vadell, L. M., del Pozo Pérez, M. ., & Martín Diz, F. (2014). Gender roles and the Spanish media, a three-decade-long comparative study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (69), 213–228.


