Disclosure of Health Information: a challenge of trust between the various sectors involved





Communication, journalism, health, (dis) trust, healthcare professionals, Basque media


This article presents the results of funded research on health information and the responsibility of the different sectors involved in communicating this knowledge. Objetives. The objectives are to discover whether educational information with rigour and quality is achieved in the Basque press, analyse the health information and examine work done by journalists in the health scope and their relation with doctors. Methodology. Quantitative and qualitative techniques have been implemented. An analysis of the contents of the Basque press between 2001-2010 was carried out: El CorreoNoticias de GipuzkoaNoticias de ÁlavaDiario de Navarra and Berria. A total of 30,311 newspapers published in the two regions in a ten-year period. The data was compiled based on the ‘composite week’ technique. The qualitative study was carried out by means of in-depth interviews to experts during 2012: journalists who commonly publish health information in the aforementioned newspapers and the directors of health care centres in the Basque Country and Navarra. Conclusion. This study raises the issue that health information lacks an educational perspective; professional specialisation is required and doctors and journalists must strengthen a better relation by minimising the differences which separate them.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Peñafiel Saiz, University of the Basque Country

Carmen Peñafiel has a PhD in Journalism (1992); she is University Lecturer since 1994 and is accredited by Aneca for the Body of Professors since February 2012. She worked in Cadena SER, Radio Popular de Bilbao and Radio Euskadi-EITB.

She is an expert in audiovisual media and has participated in 18 research projects, being the main researcher in 10, among which a European Project of four years of duration must be highlighted, where she was the Responsible of the UPV / EHU. It can be said that, in her research activity, there is a growing international projection, having presented research results in Belgium, France, England, Italy, Poland, USA, Mexico and Cyprus. S

he was a founding member of the International Group Radio Research Network-IREN, member of the Scientific Committee of the French Group of Studies on Broadcasting-GRER, member of ECREA, member of the Board of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC ), she takes part in the Institut de la Comunicació de la Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (InCom-UAB), she is a member of the group cmc-incom-uab, with which she works in a R & D & i research on social relationships of young migrants on the Internet from the perspective of interculturality. In addition to this, she takes part in the Research Group COMAndalucía and currently directs a research project funded by the UPV / EHU on information about health aimed at youngsters and teenagers on the Internet.

She has participated in stays of research and teaching at the University of California-San Diego (USA), University of Nevada (USA), Basque Studies Center-Reno (USA), Institut for Informasjons og ap Medievitensk University of Bergen (Norway), TEC of Monterrey Campus of Toluca (Mexico), University of New York (USA), The Freedom Forum Media Studies Center of Columbia University (USA). She is currently the Head of the Official Master in Social Communication at the UPV / EHU.

Idoia Camacho Marquina, University of the Basque Country

Idoia Camacho is an expert in Specialized Journalism linked to the UPV / EHU since 2003 and in research since 1998. Her most highlighted contributions are: Noticias sobre salud y medicina: mucho más que información (News on health and medicine: much more than information) in La especialización en el periodismo: Formarse para informar (Specialization in journalism: Learning for reporting). Comunicación Social 2010 (Social communication 2010); La gripe A en la prensa española (Influenza A in the Spanish press), Latina, 2009; El virus informativo de la gripe A: Análisis de la prensa española (The information virus of Influenza A: Analysis of the Spanish press). Presentation A Gripea: Honetatik ikasi duguna / Gripe A Lecciones aprendidas (Influenza A Lessons Learned). Eusko Jaurlaritza/Dpto Sanidad y Consumo Bilbao, 2010; Pánico infundado. Tratamiento del brote de gripe A en la prensa española (Unfounded panic. Treatment of Influenza A by the Spanish press). I Congreso Intern Latina de Comunicación Social, U. La Laguna, 2009 (I Intern Latina Congress of Social Communication, U. La Laguna, 2009; El papel de los medios de comunicación como educadores en salud (The role of the media as health educators) in XIII Jornadas Internacionales de Jóvenes Investigadores en Comunicación (XIII International Conference of Young Researchers in Communication), Nuevos Retos de la Comunicación: Economía, Empresa y Sociedad (New Communication Challenges: Economy, Business and Society), Universidad San Jorge, 2006. She has been main researcher in the UPVEHU10/ 47 Project for the 2011-12 biennium.

Alazne Aiestaran Yarza, University of the Basque Country

Alazne Aiestaran (Ermua, 1972). PhD in Communication Sciences since 2007 by the UPV / EHU. She has been working at the University of the Basque Country for 6 years and a half as lecturer of the Department of Journalism. Since October 2013 she is associate lecturer (PhD assistant).

She is a researcher in the HGH Group (Media, Society & Education), a consolidated research group of the University of the Basque Country, College of Social Sciences and Communication. She has participated in several projects as a researcher at the UPV-EHU: “Estudio de la oferta de información documental de los medios de comunicación: el País Vasco, España y principales experiencias europeas” (Study on the supply of documentary information of the mass media: the Basque Country, Spain and major European experiences", “La información de salud en la prensa diaria vasca (2000-2010)” (Information on health in the Basque daily newspapers (2000-2010)) and in the Educational Innovation Project “Estilos de aprendizaje de los alumnos de carreras biomédicas. Estrategias de mejora” (Learning styles of students in biomedical careers. Strategies for improvement).

She was one of the researchers of the project “Propuesta para el estudio de la imagen que los medios de comunicación ofrecen de los jóvenes” (Proposal for the study of the image that the media offer to young people) carried out ​​for the Basque Government. Currently, she belongs to the consolidated group HGH (Media, Society & Education) of the University of the Basque Country dedicated to research on the quality of European and Basque newspapers.

During the 2007-2008 academic year, she was a lecturer at the University of Mondragón (MU) in the Department of Information and Communication.

From 2010 to 2013, she was a Member of the Advisory Council of RTVE in the Basque Country, appointed by the Basque Parliament. In addition to this, she was a member of the Court of test correction of public examinations for the Basque public broadcasting service EITB.
Since 2011 she takes part in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Communication Studies ZER.

She worked as director of a monthly publication that was published entirely in Basque language for 7 years.

Milagros Ronco-López, University of the País Vasco

Milagros Ronco is full lecturer and expert in Documentation since 1982. She is a member of the Spanish National Commission of the UNESCO as Vocal of the Group of Communication since 2000. She has directed for 8 years the project funded by the UNESCO  Análisis de la relación existente a través de los medios de comunicación  de la CAV con el País Vasco-Francés y Unión Europea (2000-08) (Analysis of the link through the mass media of the Basque Autonomous Region and the French Basque Country and the European Union).

She took part in several Research Projects funded by the UPV-EHU, the most recent being Información de Salud en la Prensa Diaria Vasca (2000-2010) (Health Information on the daily Basque newspapers (2000-2010),  made in the 2010-12 biennium, and Estudio de las Webs de información de salud en español y euskera, dirigidas a jóvenes y adolescentes (Study of health information websites in Spanish and Basque, targeting youngsters and teenagers), a project that is under construction during the 2012-14 biennium. In addition to this, she also assists in the Area 4-Northern Zone team in the Research Project coordinated statewide El sistema de investigación en España sobre prácticas sociales de Comunicación. Mapa de Proyectos, Grupos, Líneas, Objetos de estudio y Métodos (The research system in Spain on social practices of Communication. Map of Projects, Groups, Lines, Objects of study and Methods)  presented last year to the Call for R & D Fundamental Research Projects of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (State Program for the Promotion of Excellent Scientific and Technical Research) to be developed from 2014 to 2016.

She is a founding member of the Basque Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists (ALDEE) integrated in the Federation of National Associations of Archivists, Librarians and Documentalists (FESABID).

Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre, Bilbao Chamber of Commerce University School

Lázaro Echegaray has a PhD by UPV / EHU since 2012 and has a degree in Sociology by the University of Granada (1998). He is a lecturer of Sociology and Market Research in the College of the Chamber of Commerce of Bilbao. He has worked in mass media related to education, accessibility, audience and contents. In the field of Market Research, he has carried out researches related to the pharmaceutical industry and to the assessment of education programs on health.


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How to Cite

Peñafiel Saiz, C. ., Camacho Marquina, I. ., Aiestaran Yarza, A., Ronco-López, M., & Echegaray Eizaguirre, L. . (2014). Disclosure of Health Information: a challenge of trust between the various sectors involved. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (69), 135–151. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2014-1005




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