Presence of infotainment in Spain’s mainstream DTT channels
Infotainment, spectacularisation, television programming, DDT, television genresAbstract
This article is part of the strand of empirical studies on infotainment and presents a characterisation of the infotainment content broadcast by the Spanish mainstream DTT channels. Method. The study is based on the analysis of the infotainment content included in the programming of the six most important mainstream DTT channels in Spain, and the content analysis of the prime time infotainment content. Results. Infotainment occupies a privileged position in the mainstream television channels but there are significant differences across networks. The main distinctive features that characterise infotainment are humour, drama and the use of technical resources to increase the sensationalism of images. Discussion. Infotainment is consolidated as a relevant macro-genre whose presence ranges from 34.91% (in La Sexta) to 8.12% (in La 2), being the magazine and debate shows the dominant formats. Surprisingly, the presence of infotainment in TVE 1 (18.10%) is higher than in the networks Antena 3 and Cuatro.
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