Serial position and attention resources to improve the recall of radio ads




Auditory perception, advertising, memory, density of information, serial position


The expressive crisis experienced by radio advertising combined with the effectiveness that this format could have in theory lead to the need of studies about this point to provide solutions to this problem. Objectives. This research tries to analyze whether the implementation of three measures related to micro and macrostructural elements of advertising in radio ads increases the levels of recall of the listeners, improving the cognitive processing of the auditory stimulus. Methodology. The question to analyze by a quantitative experimental methodology is if serial position of the ad into the commercial break, and the use of attention resources to the text reducing the density of information in the message could increase the level of recall in the listener. Conclusion. The study shows that the use of attention resources to the ad message increases the recall of the listener but not the serial position of the ad into the commercial block.


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Author Biography

Emma Rodero Antón, Pompeu Fabra University

Emma Rodero Antón is a Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the School of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Sciences and a Doctoral Degree in Communication (high honours and distinction). She was a Full Professor of Radio Production at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (1996-2007). She is a recognised as a specialist in speech-language pathology by the University of Alcalá (Spain).

Her research lines focus on radio advertising, radio broadcasting and audiovisual prosody, radio drama, and cognitive processes applied to radio (perception, attention and memory).


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How to Cite

Rodero Antón, E. . (2015). Serial position and attention resources to improve the recall of radio ads. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (69), 1–11.




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