Identification and analysis of the opinion leaders around the figure of Hugo Chávez on Twitter




Twitter, Opinion Leader, Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, Social Network


This article presents the results of an interdisciplinary research carried out by several universities and various departments specializing in different subjects and fields of study. Objetives. The aims are to identify the opinion leaders around the figure of Hugo Chávez on Twitter during the time of the sample, analyze user behavior in the microblogging space, and demonstrate whether full cyberdemocracy or mass self-communication are currently taking place. Results. The research has monitored all tweets which included the identifiers Chávez, Chavez, @chávez, @chavez on Twitter and has analyzed the daily flow of tweets from January 5 to April 13 2013 (UTC/ GMT  –  4). Thus, with 19,943,709 tweets and 8,450,049 users, we have created the largest corpus of messages about a Latin-American political issue in Spanish ever presented by scientific research. Conclusions. This article demonstrates now full cyberdemocracy or mass self-communication are not currently taking place.


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Author Biographies

Luis Deltell, Complutense University of Madrid

Luis Deltell is an Associate Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid where he obtained his PhD degree and was awarded the Extraordinary BA prize as the best student in his year. He was also awarded with the Research and Communication Youth Prize given by the General Foundation of the Universidad Complutense.

He was a researcher at the Fundación Residencia de Estudiantes-CSIC and obtained a pre-doctoral research scholarship from the ICO Foundation as well as a post-doctoral scholarship at the Real Academia Española in Rome.
After that, he obtained a six-month scholarship at Stanford University awarded by the Fundación del Amo.

He was the director and scriptwriter of the following audiovisual projects: Corre, Adrián, País soñado, Di Algo, and En la cuidad perdida which received over thirty international awards. He is a member of the T-team research group on new information technologies

Mari Luz Congosto, Carlos III University of Madrid

Mª Luz Congosto holds a degree in Computer Science from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and an MA from Universidad Carlos III. She is currently completing her PhD on the relationships in social networks as applied to the search for information at the Department of Telematics of Universidad Carlos III.  She was an Assistant Teacher for two years at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and for four at Universidad Carlos III.

For 20 years she has worked in important telecommunication innovation projects for Telefónica (TESYS, MORE, EOC, etc.). From 2000 to 2008 she carried out technological dissemination activities and collaborated with the Fundación Telefónica by creating digital publishing platforms. Blog: http://barriblog. Experiments (Social Barometer):

Florencia Claes, Complutense University of Madrid

Florencia Claes works at Globomedia and is a PhD candidate at the Audiovisual Communication and Publicity I Department of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She was awarded the Extraordinary BA prize as the best student in 2010 for her degree in Audivisual Communication. Her field of study includes social networks and opinion leaders in virtual spaces in Spain and Latin-America. She specifically researches on the link between Twitter and the Spanish and Latin-American audiovisual markets. She has participated in several international conferences and is a member of the T-team research group on new information technologies.

José Miguel Osteso, Complutense University of Madrid

José Miguel Osteso is a researcher on topics related to new information technologies. He holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and has worked as editor and postproduction manager for several audiovisual projects. He is a member of the T-team research group on new information technologies.


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How to Cite

Deltell, L., Congosto, M. L. ., Claes, F., & Osteso, J. M. . (2013). Identification and analysis of the opinion leaders around the figure of Hugo Chávez on Twitter. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 696–718.


