TV violence: Disturbing, interesting or morbid?




violence, television, discourse analysis, audience research


Although much research has contributed to the study of TV violence effects, the reasons why it arouses interest or rejection has received scant attention. Our objective is to develop an analysis on the discourse about audience interest or lack of interest in TV violence, their arguments, moral criteria and conditions. Methodology. 16 focus groups, carried out in Madrid and segmented by sex, age and educational level are analysed. Results. Audience discourses range from rejection to morbid interest, intolerance, lack of interest and self-protection. These discourses are modulated by the actuality or fictionality of broadcasted products. Conclusions. Audience discourses deny the supposedly generalized attractiveness of violence. And this supposedly emotional attractiveness of violence is being given sense by audience, under dimensions of learning, self-knowledge and moral reflexivity


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Author Biographies

Concepción Fernández Villanueva, Complutense University of Madrid

Concepción Fernández Villanueva has directed several research projects and published, nationally and internationally, on gender violence, youth violence, school violence, violence in the media, and theories in Social Psychology.

Her latest publications include: “Las emociones que suscita la violencia en televisión” (“The emotions provoked by violence on televisión”) in Comunicar; “La mirada moral sobre la violencia en televisión. Un análisis de los discursos de los espectadores” (“The moral view on violence on television. An analysis of viewers’ discourses”) in Revista Internacional de Sociología; and “Identificación y especularidad en los espectadores de violencia en televisión: una reconstrucción a partir del discurso” (“Identification and specularity among consumers of television violence: a discourse-based reconstruction”) in Comunicación y Sociedad.

Juan Carlos Revilla Castro, Complutense University of Madrid

Juan Carlos Revilla Castro has carried out and published research, nationally and internationally, on youth and school violence, and on violence in the media, as well as on gender, subjectivity and work, organisational transformations, and identity-configuration in young people.

He is the co-author of “Las emociones que suscita la violencia en televisión” (“The emotions provoked by violence on televisión”) in Comunicar; “La mirada moral sobre la violencia en televisión. Un análisis de los discursos de los espectadores” (“The moral view on violence on television. An analysis of viewers’ discourses”) in Revista Internacional de Sociología; and “Identificación y especularidad en los espectadores de violencia en televisión: una reconstrucción a partir del discurso” (“Identification and specularity among consumers of television violence: a discourse-based reconstruction”) in Comunicación y Sociedad

Rafael González Hernández, Complutense University of Madrid

Rafael González Hernández specialises in group dynamics and within this field he has taught over a thousand courses, in several public and private institutions, and has published many works, including: Seis lecciones de comunicación humana (“Six lessons in human communication”); Tallerzuelo portátil de dinámica de grupos (Mobile workshop in group dynamics”); Psicosociología de los grupos pequeños (“Psycho-sociology of small groups”) and Psicosociología del stigma (“Psycho-sociology of stigma”).

Blanca Lozano Maneiro, Complutense University of Madrid

In the last years, Blanca Lozano Maneiro has focused on the work of Erving Goffman and its implications for the social sciences, a subject explored in her doctoral dissertation and thesis.

She is the author of several articles about the Goffmanian thought, including “En el aniversario de Erving Goffman (1922-1982)” ("On the occasion of the anniversary of Erving Goffman (1922-1982)", published in REIS in 2003.


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How to Cite

Fernández Villanueva, C. ., Revilla Castro, J. C. ., González Hernández, R., & Lozano Maneiro, B. (2013). TV violence: Disturbing, interesting or morbid?. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 582–598.




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