Analysis of the adaptation of the editorials of five newspapers from different European countries to the online environment




Editorial, opinion, journalism, cyber-journalism, newspapers


This article analyses the main features and degree of adaptation of the editorials of five newspapers from different European countries to the online environment. Methods. The study is based on the content analysis of the editorials published in the online editions of El PaísThe TimesLe MondeDiario de Noticias and Corriere della Sera. Results. In the sample of online newspapers, the editorial genre maintains a privileged position in the online version and can be differentiated from the opinion pieces. In addition, this section retains its function as the institutional voice of the newspapers. Discussion.  Despite the importance of the editorial, its role as shaper of public opinion in relation to current affairs is overshadowed by its role as political actor. Conclusions. The online editorial retains the traditional content and format features of the genre, and shows little adaptation to the internet platform and its possibilities to enable citizens’ participation


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Author Biographies

Berta García Orosa, Santiago de Compostela University

Berta García Orosa holds bachelor’s degrees in Information Sciences and Political and Administration Sciences, and a Doctoral degree in Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), where she works as full Professor at the School of Communication.

She has been part of the Novos Medios research group since it was created. She has published several articles and books on organizational communication, journalism and cyber-journalism.

Her latest publications include: Gabinetes de comunicación on line. Cómo generar información corporativa en la red (“Online communication office. How to generate corporate information on the internet”) (Comunicación Social, 2009) and La conformación de valores noticia en un contexto de conflicto. Análisis pragmático de su funcionamiento en la información sobre el narcotráfico en México y el feminicidio en Ciudad Juárez (“Configuration of news values in a context of conflict. Pragmatic analysis of its performance in the coverage of drug trafficking in Mexico and femicide in Ciudad Juarez") (Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico, December 2012).

Xosé López García, Santiago de Compostela University

Xosé López García is Professor of Journalism at the Department of Communication Sciences of the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He also teaches communication and journalistic writing, online journalism and directs the Novos Medios research group.

He is member and Vice-president of the Consello da Cultura Galega, where he directs the communication office.

He worked as journalist in the Galicia media for over twenty years.

He has published several research works on the Galician newspapers and is the co-author of several books on cyber-journalism.

Santiago Gallur Santorum, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez

Santiago Gallur Santorun holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, where he is Full Professor at the undergraduate programme in Journalism since July 2012. He also holds a master’s degree in Journalism, a doctoral degree in Contemporaneous History, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Secondary Education, all from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

His most recent publication is La conformación de valores noticia en un contexto de conflicto. Análisis pragmático de su funcionamiento en la información sobre el narcotráfico en México y el feminicidio de Ciudad Juárez (“Configuration of news values in a context of conflicto. Pragmatic analysis of its performance in the coverage of drug trafficking and femicide in Ciudad Juárez”), published in Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico, vol. 18, n° 2 (December, 2012).


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How to Cite

García Orosa, B., López García, X., & Gallur Santorum, S. (2013). Analysis of the adaptation of the editorials of five newspapers from different European countries to the online environment. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 485–501.


