From Kyoto to Durban. Mass media editorial position about climate change
Journalism, environment, climatic change, sustainability, Kyoto, editorialAbstract
This study analyses the editorial stance of three authoritative Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia) with regards climate change in the time span between the climate summits held in Kyoto (1997) and Durban (2011). Methodology. The analysis has taken into account the presence of political, economic, social and cultural factors, as well as any others which may have prevented editorial policies from making a clear contribution to raising public awareness regarding climate-change issues. The initial hypothesis is that editorial strategies do not address the real issue –the causes of climate change and the urgency with which countries emitting greenhouse gases must adopt corrective policies– but rather avoid explicitly recognising the severity of the problem or mentioning possible solutions. Results. It has been analyzed 220 editorials: 95, La Vanguardia; 71, El País and 75, El Mundo. Conclusions. Indeed, throughout the fourteen years covered by the study, the editorial line of the newspapers themselves takes centre stage, leaving little room for interpretations or evaluations supported by the predominant scientific discourse.
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