From Kyoto to Durban. Mass media editorial position about climate change




Journalism, environment, climatic change, sustainability, Kyoto, editorial


This study analyses the editorial stance of three authoritative Spanish newspapers (El País, El Mundo and La Vanguardia) with regards climate change in the time span between the climate summits held in Kyoto (1997) and Durban (2011). Methodology. The analysis has taken into account the presence of political, economic, social and cultural factors, as well as any others which may have prevented editorial policies from making a clear contribution to raising public awareness regarding climate-change issues.  The initial hypothesis is that editorial strategies do not address the real issue –the causes of climate change and the urgency with which countries emitting greenhouse gases must adopt corrective policies– but rather avoid explicitly recognising the severity of the problem or mentioning possible solutions. Results. It has been analyzed 220 editorials: 95, La Vanguardia; 71, El País and 75, El Mundo.  Conclusions. Indeed, throughout the fourteen years covered by the study, the editorial line of the newspapers themselves takes centre stage, leaving little room for interpretations or evaluations supported by the predominant scientific discourse.


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Author Biographies

Elena Blanco Castilla, University of Málaga

PhD in Journalism from the University of Málaga, BA in Information Science from the Complutense University of Madrid and University Expert in Virtual Training Environments.

Permanent teacher at the Department of Journalism in the University of Málaga, subdirector of the Unesco Communication Professorship in the University of Málaga, member of the SEJ-391 research group and of National Research Plan projects SEJ2006-14561/SOCI, titled "New scenarios for research applied to the media system” and CSO2010-19725, titled “Communication and climate change: Media strategies to communicate scientific consensus to the public opinion”.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Public Agency for Radio and Television in Andalusia since 1994.

She is the author of the following books: Málaga XX. Historia de un siglo (1999); Información local y franquismo. El caso del diario Sur (1937-1975) and Tendencias del Periodismo Especializado, (2010), as well as of many articles and book chapters related to her teaching and research profile, including amongst others: “Emisores de mensajes informativos. Características, tipología y comportamiento de las fuentes especializadas”, in Periodismo Especializado (Ariel, 2004); “Periodismo ambiental. El caso español”, in Midia, Ecología e Sociedade. Intercom Brasil, (2008); “Percepción de la realidad sociopolítica de la mujer a través de su protagonismo en los medios”, in Razón y Palabra Nº 61, April 2008; “La importancia de la viñeta en la estrategia editorial de los medios. El ejemplo del 11 M”, in Ámbitos, nº 16, year 2007,  University of Seville, 2008; “La información sociolaboral en la agenda de los medios. Implicaciones políticas y económicas”, in Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico. 2008, nº 14, and "Identidad editorial en la prensa nacional española: interrelación con la agenda mediática", in RLCS, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 64, pages 602 to 611. (2009).

Montse Quesada Pérez, University Pompeu Fabra

Professor at the Department of Communication in the Pompeu Fabra University since 1994. BA in Journalism from UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona) in 1982, PhD in Information Science in 1986, diploma in Criminology and Criminal Policy and permanent teacher since 1987. Member of National Research Plan CSO2010-19725 (2011-2013).

Author of books including Periodismo de sucesos (Madrid, Síntesis, 2007), Periodismo especializado (Pamplona, Euinsa, 1998) and La investigación periodística. El caso español (Barcelona, Ariel, 1987). Her latest book was published in 2012: Curso de Periodismo especializado (Madrid, Síntesis, 2012)She has also written some fifty articles for scientific journals, participated in many national and international congresses and directed a Cooperation Masters Programme taught in Latin American universities (National University of El Salvador; Don Bosco University of El Salvador; Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico; Model University of Yucatán, Mexico; CEBEM, La Paz, Bolivia, amongst others).

In 1995 she received the Actual Award granted by the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation for the report Última parada, about imprisoned minors.

Laura Teruel Rodríguez, University of Málaga

PhD in Journalism from the University of Málaga, BA in Information Science from the University of Málaga, MA in Politics and Democracy from the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UNED (Spanish Open University) and University Specialist in design and creation of web materials for an online subject taught by the UMA.

Teacher at the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Communication Science in the University of Málaga and member of the research group SEJ- PAIDI 391 “New research scenarios for the study of the media system”, National R&D Plan MEC SEJ 2006-14561/soci. She is a specialist in political journalism and director of the Introductory Course to Political Journalism – UMA title -. Also specialised in gender studies.

She has completed research stays in the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the Faculty of Social Sciences in the University of Buenos Aires and the Faculty of Communication in the University of Oslo.

Her latest publications include the chapters “El posicionamiento editorial de la prensa española sobre la polarización política” in  Canel M.J. and Sanders. K. (eds.) Estudios de Comunicación Política. Libro del año 2012 Ed. Tecnos.; “El cine español contemporáneo como recurso educativo contra la violencia de género: desmontando coartadas para mostrar la realidad” in La Universidad y Nuestros Mayores 2010/2011 and “El escándalo mediatizado en la prensa española: el tratamiento del ‘caso Palomino’” in Canel Crespo, Mª.J. and Gurrionero, M. G. (eds.) Estudios de Comunicación Política. Libro del año 2008. ACOP.

She has also written the articles “Género y política: análisis del discurso mediático de España e Iberoamérica”. in Razón y Palabra, nº 81.


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How to Cite

Blanco Castilla, E. . ., Quesada Pérez, M., & Teruel Rodríguez, L. (2013). From Kyoto to Durban. Mass media editorial position about climate change. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (68), 420–435.




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