Analysis of the campaign videos posted by the Third Sector on YouTube




Campaign videos, YouTube, third sector, content analysis, social networks, Profiles of campaign videos


Web 2.0 social networks have become one of the tools most widely used by the third sector organisations. This research article examines the formal aspects, content and significance of the videos posted by these organisations on YouTube. Methods. The study is based on the quantitative content analysis of 370 videos of this type, with the objective of identifying the main characteristics. Results. The results indicate that this type of videos are characterised by low levels of creativity, the incorporation of a great amount of very clear information, the predominance of explicit content and the use of very similar formats. Conclusions. Based on the research results, it was concluded that these organisations produce campaign videos with predictable messages that rely on homogeneous structures that can be easily classified in two types: predominantly informative and predominantly persuasive.


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Author Biographies

Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz, Rey Juan Carlos University

Full Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Isidoro Arroyo Almaraz holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s degree in Communication Techniques in Social Services from the Complutense University of Madrid and the Institute of Social Services and the Elderly.

Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University (United Kingdom), ITS Sligo (Ireland) and the 21st century Business University (Cordoba, Republic of Argentina). Visiting researcher at the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina).

Author of Tendencias y Eficacia de la Comunicación Audiovisual de las Organizaciones sin Ánimo de Lucro en Redes Sociales(“Trends and effectiveness of the Audiovisual Communication of Non-profit Organisations in Social Networks”, Dykinson, 2012); La Comunicación de las ONG en Redes Sociales (“Communication of NGOs in Social Networks”, Dykinson, 2011); La Comunicación del marketing solidario. Publicidad social e impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en la publicidad dirigida a los inmigrantes(“Solidarity marketing communication. Social advertising and the impact of new technologies in advertising directed to immigrants”, Dykinson, 2008); Comunicación de las causas sociales en un mundo global (“Communication for social causes in a global world”, Dykinson, 2007); and La profesión de crear. Creatividad e investigación publicitarias (“The profession of creating. Advertising creativity and research”, Laberinto Comunicación, 2006).

Main researcher of the project titled Desarrollo de un modelo de eficacia de la comunicación persuasiva del tercer sector en redes sociales (“Development of an efficiency model for the persuasive communication of the third sector in social networks”) (CS02009-11203), which is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the 6th National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2010-2013.

Main researcher of the Television and Children Research Project (PROCOTIN) funded by the Community of Madrid. He is also carrying out a research projects on innovative practices with ICT in the classroom, funded by RED.ES., and on the communication offices of the NGOs of Córdoba (Argentina), funded by AECID 2009-2011.

He is the director of the Social Advertising University Festival Solidar&dar, and director of the International Conferences on Social advertising of the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Miguel Baños González, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

ull Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos Universidad.

Doctor in Information Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid). Visiting researcher at the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina). Visiting Professor at the 21st Century Business University (Córdoba, Republic of Argentina) and the National University of Córdoba (Republic of Argentina).

Author of Imagen de marca y product placement (“Brand image and product placement”, ESIC, 2012); Las palabras en la publicidad. El redactor publicitario y su papel en la comunicación publicitaria(“Words in advertising. The advertising writer and its role in advertising communication”, Ediciones del Laberinto, 2009); Al filo de la verdad. Historias de la publicidad en el cine(“On the edge of truth. Stories of advertising in cinema”, CIE Dossat, 2005); Product placement. Estrella invitada: la marca (“Product placement. Guest Star: the brand”, CIE Dossat, 2003); Métodos heurísticos y creación publicitaria(“Heuristic methods and advertising production”, Publishing services of the UCM, 2003); Creatividad y publicidad (“Creativity and advertising”, Ediciones del Laberinto, 2001).

Research lines: Social advertising on social networks. Influence of the creativity incentive methods on Advertising Creativity. Assessment of the effectiveness of product placement as a commercial communication strategy. Analysis of webpages of market segments. Cinematic imaginary: the representation of the advertising system.

Creative and creative director in different national and international agencies from 1986 to 2004.

Cliff Van Wyck Ors, Bournemouth University

Senior Lecturer in Advertising and Marketing and researcher in public communication and marketing at the Media School of Bournemouth University (United Kingdom).

Research interests: communication and global branding -innovation and activation; training for marketing development, brand acceptance and positioning; integrated marketing communication- modification of shopping attitudes and behaviours; semiotics.

Before working at Bournemouth University, he worked for several years as a marketing communication consultant in South Africa and the United Kingdom.


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How to Cite

Arroyo Almaraz, Isidoro, Miguel Baños González, and Cliff Van Wyck Ors. 2013. “Analysis of the campaign videos posted by the Third Sector on YouTube”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 68 (April):328-54.


