
Revista Latina de Comunicación Social is currently indexed in the following directories and databases:


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SCOPUS. RLCS was accepted in SCOPUS in 2011. In 2020 it is positioned in the first quartile (Q1) for its impact index.


seeci en twitterFECYT. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Quality seal since 2021 in the ranking of evaluation of the editorial and scientific quality of Spanish academic journals. 


seeci en twitterEMERGING SOURCE CITATION INDEX (ESCI). Database of journals being evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collections Web of Science (SCI, SSCI & A&HCI) databases.


seeci en twitterREDIB. Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge.



seeci en twitterCARHUS Plus+. Classification system for scientific journals in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.


seeci en twitterMIAR. Information matriz for the analysis of journals providing data on the presence of journals in evaluation directories.


seeci en twitterLATINDEX. Regional online information system for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.


seeci en twitterRESH. Integrated evaluation system for Spanish journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences.


seeci en twitterSJR. Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Quality seal since 2011 in the ranking of evaluation of the editorial and scientific quality of Spanish Scientific Journals.


seeci en twitterDULCINEA. Project coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Science to identify and analyse the editorial policies of Spanish scientific journals. 


seeci en twitterCIRC. Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals. Rating: Group B




seeci en twitterJOURNALS FOUR FREE. Database with more than 15,900 Open Access Scientific Journals.


seeci en twitterDICE. Dissemination and editorial quality of Spanish journals in the humanities, social sciences and law.


seeci en twitterDIMENSIONS. Research Services Portal and a new alternative citation index.


seeci en twitterIN-RECS. Impact index of Spanish social science journals produced by the EC3 group of the University of Granada.


seeci en twitterISSN. Database and dispenser of global identifiers for serials and other electronic resources.


seeci en twitterROAD. Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources. Service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector, free access to 1.8 million bibliographic records.

seeci en twitterOPEN ACCESS LIBRARY. Open access journal database.


seeci en twitterISOC. CSIC's Centre for Scientific Information and Documentation (CINDOC) database.


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EXALEAD. Search engine that stands out for its innovations and visual experience.


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seeci en twitterDIALNET. Portal for the dissemination of Iberoamerican scientific production promoted by the University of La Rioja.


seeci en twitterJISC. Collective catalogue of exclusive research material from various libraries.


seeci en twitterWORLDCAT. Online catalogue that facilitates access to bibliographic material.


seeci en twitterSUDOC. Collective catalogue of bibliographic references.




seeci en twitterBUSCADOR CISNE. Search engine of the Complutense Library that allows access to the collections located in all the centres belonging to the Complutense University.


seeci en twitterELECTRONIC JOURNALS LIBRARY. Service to facilitate the use of academic journals on the Internet.


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FAMA. University of Seville Library Catalogue.


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JÁBEGA. University of Malaga Library Catalogue.


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COLUMBUS. University of Huelva Library Catalogue.


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FARO. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Library Catalogue.


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LA LAGUNA. Catalogue of the library of the University of La Laguna in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


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UBUCAT. University of Burgos Library Catalogue.


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UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. University of Chicago Library Catalogue.


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EUREKA. Pablo Olavide University of Seville Library Catalogue.


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UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ. University of Cadiz Library Catalogue.


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MEZQUITA. University of Cordoba Library Catalogue.


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UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER. University of Colorado Boulder Library Catalogue.


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ORBIS. Yale University Library Catalogue.


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COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Columbia University New York Library Catalogue.


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UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA. University of Lleida Library Catalogue.


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UNIVERSITÄT BAYREUTH. Library catalogue of the University Library of Bayreuth.


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UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG. Catalogue of the library of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.


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UNIVERSITÄT WIEN. Catalogue of the library of the University of Vienna.


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U OTTAWA. Catalogue of the library of the University of Ottawa, Canada.


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NYU UNIVERSITY. New York University Library Catalogue.