Relation between Emotions and Memory Relate in Public Service Advertising Campaigns. A Study Based on a Neuroscience Approach




Neuroscience techniques, Neuromarketing, Advertising Research, Public service advertisements, Advertisement recall, Emotional Index, Approach Withdrawal Index


Introduction: Public service advertisements are a valuable strategy for modifying attitudes and behaviours related to issues of social concern. These messages often seek an emotional response from the public, which is why neuroscience techniques are useful tools to better understand the behaviour of audiences, reduce uncertainty in decision-making and develop more effective actions. Methodology: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the emotions induced in audiovisual public service advertising messages and recall in a sample of individuals, segmented by sex, exposed to public service advertisements. In the experiment, the electrical activity of the brain, heart rate and electrodermal response were recorded. Recall was measured by means of a test applied to the subjects. Results: With the data obtained, the Emotional Index and the Appetitive/Aversive Index were calculated to determine the emotional response and motivation, positive or negative, towards the stimuli. We also obtained data on the subjects' spontaneous and suggested recall, as well as on the subjective emotional meaning that the stimuli provoked in the subjects: These data demonstrate the relationship between the emotional state generated by the messages and their recall; that there are differences, both in the Emotional Index and the Appetitive/Aversive Index, between men and women; and highlight the importance of taking into account other aspects of the narrative in addition to conveying an emotion.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Baraybar Fernández, Rey Juan Carlos University

He holds a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. His research and teaching interests are related to the economics of communication, specifically with marketing, communication management in organizations, new emerging business models brought about by new technologies, and neuro-communication. Member of the INFOCENT research group of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, recognized for its high performance. He has several dozens of scientific-academic publications and extensive experience in various research projects, funded by public calls, nationally and internationally.

Miguel Baños González, Rey Juan Carlos University

PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He has extensive teaching and research experience, having participated in various national and international research projects, funded by public calls for proposals. His lines of research focus on new technologies, marketing communications and advertising creativity. He is the author of several books, book chapters and scientific articles in the field of communication and new technologies. He has also published several articles in professional communication magazines and has developed an extensive professional activity, from 1985 to 2004, in different national and international advertising agencies.

Mario Rajas, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Director of the FlixOlé-URJC Research Chair in Spanish Cinema ( Coordinator of the Consolidated Research Group Ciberimaginario of the URJC (

He has published several scientific articles and monographs and has been recognised by the CNEAI for two six-year research periods and one six-year transfer period. He has participated in national (2 as Principal Investigator) and international competitive research projects. He has carried out research stays in centres such as the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico), the University of California Los Angeles (United States), the Escuela Internacional de Cine y Televisión de San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba) or the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, as well as participating in more than 60 academic activities such as international congresses and conferences.


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How to Cite

Baraybar Fernández, A., Baños Gonzalez, M., & Rajas Fernández, M. (2023). Relation between Emotions and Memory Relate in Public Service Advertising Campaigns. A Study Based on a Neuroscience Approach. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 1–33.



Neurocommunication, Neuromarketing and Advertising: Consumer behavior in advertising.