Environmental communication and non-conventional renewable energy projects. Content analysis of Chilean mass media





Mass media, environmental communication, non-conventional renewable energies, energy crisis, climate change mitigation, Chile


We observe how mass media thematise Non-Conventional Renewable Energy projects [NCRE] in terms of relevance and treatment assigned to distinct sources and emerging thematic structures. Methodology. Mixed-approach content analysis of a sample of 100 Chilean digital press articles relating to NCRE, using the analytical framework of Niklas Luhmann’s Social Systems Theory. Results and Discussion. The predominance of solar and wind sources goes hand in hand with a low terminological clarity, which however allows mass media to build distinct thematic structures around social systems such as economy, science, politics and law. Environmental references are less frequent and shallower, privileging its evocative aspects with maximum linkage capacity. Conclusions. Instead than observing mass media as mere transmitters of rationalities external to them, more attention should be given to their ability to create realities and representing the (human and ecological) environment.


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Author Biographies

Marco Billi, Adolfo Ibáñez University

Student at the PhD in Political Processes and Institutions hosted by UAI. MD in Systems Analysis applied to Society, University of Chile.

He’s Young Researcher at the Millennium Nucleus Models of Crisis (Millennium Scientific Initiative, Project NS130017), UAI, and Research Assistant at (CR)2 – Centre for Climate and Resilience Research (FONDAP 15110009). In both centres, he participates in and collaborates with research and policy consulting respectively in understanding and managing social crises, and in the social dimensions of climate change. The results of such work are being published in various Chilean and international indexed scientific journals.

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Anahí Urquiza Gómez, University of Chile

Professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of Chile, and Adjunct Researcher at the Centre for Climate and Resilience Research – (CR)2 (FONDAP 15110009).

Social Anthropologist and MD in Systems Analysis applied to Society from the same university, she obtained her PhD in Sociology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, as part of the Environment and Society program of the Rachel Carson Centre (German institutions). She’s expert in Systems Theory, her areas of research focus on the relationships between society and environment, especially in hydrological vulnerability, energy transitions, science-society interfaces, governance and resilience to climate change. She was part of the technical team of the MAPS Chile project and she collaborated in diverse consultancies in themes related to participation, climate change and science-policy dialogues.

Camilo Feres Klenner, University of Chile

Social Communicator, student at the PhD in Political Processes and Institutions hosted by UAI, MD in Sociology of Modernization, University of Chile.

He’s Invited Researcher at the Millennium Nucleus Models of Crisis (Millennium Scientific Initiative, Project NS130017), political analyst, regular columnist in different Chilean newspapers and CEO of Huella Social Consultores, enterprise dedicated to the development of social and economic studies, indicators and complex metrics for environmental management. He’s an experienced consultant in matters of communication management, crisis management and positioning strategies for private companies and social and political organizations.


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How to Cite

Billi, M. ., Urquiza Gómez, A. ., & Feres Klenner, C. (2017). Environmental communication and non-conventional renewable energy projects. Content analysis of Chilean mass media. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 1218–1237. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2017-1216


