The independence of journalists from gifts and financial interference: a comparative perspective between journalists and citizens




Media accountability systems, journalistic cultures, self-regulation, transparency, journalism ethics, Spain, gifts.


In research about “MediaACES. Accountability and Journalistic Cultures in Spain. Impact and proposal of good practices in the Spanish media “, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, fieldwork has been carried out between journalists and citizens on good journalistic practices and the accountability system. Among the questions raised has been raised how journalists could be compromised their information independence in more or less close relations with political and economic powers, as well as when they can mediate gifts that can range from a simple gesture of institutional courtesy to certain forms of compensation for a favorable information treatment. In this communication, the position of professionals and citizens is analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, Universidad de Sevilla

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas. Associate Professor at the University of Seville accredited to Full Professor in Journalism. His main lines of research have focused on the ethics and deontology of communication, with more than ten books and more than thirty scientific articles and contributions to international conferences. Among his work, it is worth highlighting the Principles of Professional Ethics. Regarding the informative activity (Tecnos, 2001); Male motherhood. And other essays on equality between women and men from another point of view (Dykinson, 2012), this one translated into English and Italian. Main researcher of the R+D+I projects on journalistic ethics: "The expectation of Andalusian citizens regarding the ethics of the media" (2006-2010); “Ethical challenges of digital journalism. A comparative analysis between five European countries” (2012-2015). Currently, a researcher in the Pompeu Fabra University project on “Accountability and Journalistic Cultures in Spain. Impact and proposal of good practices in the Spanish media”. Head of the Research Group of the Andalusian Research, Development, and Innovation Plan (PAIDI by its acronym in Spanish) SEJ-495: “Critical Thinking, Communication, and Human Rights”. Evaluator of the National Evaluation and Prospective Agencies (ANEP by its acronym in Spanish) and the Italian University Quality Agency (ANVUR). He has carried out a research stay at the Universities of Oxford (1991), Bologna (1992), La Sapienza (2009 and 2013), and Berkeley (2015). For the latter, he obtained a scholarship from the University of Seville within the TECH Excellence program. Member of the Commission of Arbitration, Complaints, and Deontology of Journalism of Spain, Visiting professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and Anáhuac University.

Jesús Díaz del Campo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Professor of Communication, Director of Research and Secretary of the Research Ethics Committee of the International University of La Rioja. Spain. PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. He obtained a Scholarship for Teacher Training from the Ministry of Education and Culture. He is accredited by ANECA as Full Professor and has a six-year research period recognized by the CNEAI. His main lines of research focus on communication ethics and corporate social responsibility, digital journalism, political communication and radio. He has published about 50 articles on these subjects. He is currently director of the Research Group "Communication and Digital Society" (COYSODI), principal investigator of the Project "News consumption in social media. Analysis of factors in the selection and dissemination of media content", (MINECO/FEDER, EU, reference CSO2017-86312-R) and is part of the project and Accountability and Journalistic Cultures in Spain. (MINECO/FEDER, EU, reference CSO2015-66404-P). 15 years of professional experience as a journalist and communication professional.

Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez has a doctorate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is a professor of Journalism in the UPF Department of Communication and is a member of the UPF Research Group on Journalism. Her main lines of research are cultural journalism, ethics in the media, and digital journalism. She has participated in various research projects funded by the Ministry and the European Commission. She is a Main Researcher for the MediaACES Research Project. Accountability and Journalistic Cultures in Spain. Impact and proposal of good practices in the Spanish media (MINECO/FEDER, EU, ref: CSO2015-66404-P).  


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How to Cite

Suárez Villegas, J. C. ., Díaz del Campo, J. ., & Rodríguez-Martínez, R. . (2021). The independence of journalists from gifts and financial interference: a comparative perspective between journalists and citizens. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79), 207–222.


