Election campaign communication in universities through the Web 2.0





Election communication, social networks, viral communication, communication strategies


Last spring the Internet played a crucial role in the rectorial elections of the University of Vigo. Blogs and social networks ceased being simple platforms to advertise candidates’ campaign proposals and became authentic means of expression in themselves. Two candidates took part in a fierce battle 2.0 in which they used the codes of the Internet to develop controversial viral campaigns, to spread all kinds of rumours, and to try to control the Internet, whose use in university election campaigns was unprecedented. This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the online communication strategies used by both candidates in order to better understand the new use of online communication.


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Author Biographies

Montse Vázquez-Gestal, Vigo University

Vice-Dean of the School Social and Communication Sciences from 2003-2006.

Secretary of the School Social and Communication Sciences from 2000-2003.

Visiting Professor at various international universities: Autonomous University of Querétaro and National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico, 2001); University of Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2006), Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal, 2008); University of Minho (Portugal, 2009); LUMSA University of Rome (Italy, 2006-2009); La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy, 2011).

Full Professor of Advertising Creativity and Advertising Communication Strategies at the University of Vigo.

Main researcher in the R&D group of the University of Vigo: PC2: Comunicación Persuasiva (Persuasive Communication).

Ana-Belén Fernández Souto, Vigo University

Director of the Vice-Chancellor’s University Extension Office in Pontevedra, University of Vigo, from 2006 - present.

Vice-Dean of the School of Social Sciences in 2006 and Secretary of the same School from 2003 to 2006.

Visiting Professor at various international universities:

Alonso Dámaso Larrañaga University (Uruguay, 1999); University of Minas Gerais (Brazil, 2000); Autonomous University of Querétaro and National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico, 2001); University of Costa Rica (Costa Rica, 2002); University of Dubrovnik (Croatia, 2006), Fernando Pessoa University (Portugal, 2008); University of Minho (Portugal, 2009); and LUMSA University of Rome (Italy, 2009).

Full Professor of Strategic Planning of Public Relations at the University of Vigo since 1999.

Jesús Pérez-Seoane, Vigo University

Contracted Professor Doctor at the University of Vigo, teacher in subjects such as General Theory of the Image and Planning and management of advertising media.

Visiting professor at various international universities.


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How to Cite

Vázquez-Gestal, M. ., Fernández Souto, A.-B., & Pérez-Seoane, J. (2012). Election campaign communication in universities through the Web 2.0. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 394–413. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2012-961


