Analysis of the representation of alcohol consumption and its prevention, from the perspective of framing theory, in the Spanish press: El País, El Mundo, Abc and La Razón




drugs, alcohol, content analysis, press, framing, structural analysis


This article presents the results of the analysis of 103 alcohol-related   texts published from January to June, 2009, by four Spanish newspapers: El País (22), El Mundo (35), Abc (24), and La Razón (22). Two methods were used to examine the representation of alcohol: structural analysis based on Kayser’s model (1982) and content analysis based on framing theory. The latter method has been used to examine the journalistic treatment of biotechnology (Durant, Bauer, and Gaskell, 1998; Nisbet, M.C., Brossard, and Kroepsch, 2003; Rodríguez-Luque, 2009), which has been adapted to examine the subject of drugs (Paricio, 2010). A reliability of 90% was achieved in the Cohen’s Kappa coefficient test for the 67 variables examined in this study. The genre most dedicated to the subject of alcohol was news articles (66.9%), whose main theme was related conflict (19 texts), particularly the consequences of drunk driving (9 texts). The most used frames by journalists were, in decreasing order, crime (identified in 62 texts), new research results (in 11 texts), and epidemiology (in 15 texts). However, only few texts were dedicated to the prevention of alcohol consumption (a theme in only 4.85% of the sample) and the legal institutions dedicated to this activity (2.91%).


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Author Biographies

Pilar Paricio-Esteban, Cardinal Herrera CEU University

Vicerector of Institutional Relations at the CEU-Cardenal Herrera University (UCH-CEU) from 2009 to present.
Vicerector of Students and Institutional relations at the UCH-CEU from 2007 to 2009.

Assistant professor at the UCH-CEU since 2005. Full Professor at the UCH-CEU from 1994 to 2005.

Director of the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Information Theory at the UCH-CEU from 2005-2007.

Researcher at the Beyond The Line Observatory of the UCH-CEU from 2004 to present.

Researcher at the Institute for Drugs and Addictive Conducts (IDYCA) of the UCH-CEU from 2003 to present.
Visiting Professor at the Coso Foundation’s programme in Communication Management and New Technologies from 2003 to present.

Former collaborator at the Mediterráneo newspaper (1990), the Efe agency (1988), Radio Minuto (1988), and Radio Cadena Española (1987).

Doctor in Information Sciences by the Complutense University of Madrid. Thesis defence on 19 October, 1999.

Member of the Valencian Council for Development Cooperation and the Citizenship Council.

Her research is mainly focused on the study of institutional communication, public relations and efficiency evaluation. Main researcher in the competitive projects:
Analysis and design of advertising campaigns and communication programmes to raise awareness and prevent drug addiction of the Foundation for the Study, Prevention and Assistance to Drug Addictions (FEPAD): three proposals for projects in 2008/2009, 2009/2010, 2010/2011

Comparative analysis of advertising and journalistic treatment of drugs in the main European general-information print media: the case of Spain, United Kingdom, France and Holland 2009/2010.

Journalistic treatment of the beginning of life in the Spanish press: The Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy. El PaísAbcLevante and Las Provincias (2009-2010)

She has participated in other projects linked to the Beyond the Line Observatory and conducted research on fashion communication.
She has taught the aforementioned topics in many M.A. courses and seminars offered by various public and private schools.

She is the author of numerous scientific articles and has organized and taught courses on communication and fashion, institutional communications, public relations and press offices.

Books and chapters of books

“La Comunicación en la prevención de las drogodependencias” (Communication on the prevention of drug addictions). Published by Erasmus ediciones.

“Información judicial y gabinetes de comunicación” (Judicial information and communication cabinets). In El derecho a la información judicial (The right to judicial information). Pp. 413-432.

“El cine y la comunicación de moda” (Cinema and fashion communication). In Nuevas tendencias de la comunicación (New trends in communication). Pp. 281-289.

“La medición de eficacia en los programas de relaciones con los medios” (Efficiency evaluation in media relations programmes). In La Universidad  en la comunicación y la comunicación en la Universidad (The university in the communication and communication in the University).

“Comunicar para crear valor” (Communicating to create value). In Comunicación y Estudios Universitarios (Communication and university studies). Pp. 177-180.

“Estudio sobre Marketing promocional. Marco Conceptual” (Study on promotional Marketing. Conceptual framework).  Estudies by the Below the Line Observatory.

“Las campañas de comunicación y publicitarias sobre sida y drogas” (Communication and advertising campaigns on AIDS and drugs). In Revista de comunicación y estudios universitarios.

“La comunicación institucional de la moda: moda y cine” (Institutional fashion communication: fashion and film). In La moda, un fenómeno interdisciplinar (Fashion, an interdisciplinary phenomenon).

Articles published in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social:
El encuadre de la moda en los diarios españoles de información general de ámbito nacional (1900-1994) (The framing of fashion in the National Spanish general-information newspapers (1900-1994)

Cristina Rodríguez-Luque, Cardinal Herrera CEU University

Associated Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations of the UCH-CEU from October 2009 to present.

Deputy Director and Chief of news pogrammes at Radio CEU, the radio station of UCH-CEU from October 2009 until today.

Doctor in Journalism. Her Ph.D. thesis -Tratamiento periodístico de las “células madre” desde la perspectiva del framing. (El País y Abc, 1996-2006) (Journalistic treatment of “stem cells” from the perspective of framing in El País andAbc, 1996-2006)- received the European cum Laude mention and the 1st Lorenzo Gomis Award on December 16, 2011.

Research Fellow of the Research Staff Training programme (FPI) at the Generalitat Valenciana from May 2005 to September 2009.

Research Fellow of the Research Staff Training programme (FPI) at the UCH-CEU in Valencia from September to May 2005.

She has undertaken research stays at the Department of Journalism of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, under the supervision of Professor Dominique Brossard, and at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences with professor Martin W. Bauer.

Collaborated as writer and editor of news programmes, and in the production, writing and presentation of programmes in COPE Valencia from January 2008 to present.

Presenter of the programme “Emprendedores COPE” ("COPE Entrepreneurs"), of Cope Valencia since January 2010.

She has participated in several public and private research projects on the journalistic treatment of drugs in the Spanish and European contexts, and the media coverage of the Law on Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy.

She has taught in M.A. and B.A. programmes at several universities, and has given courses to professionals from the fields of information technology, radio communication, and the public communication of science.

Most relevant publications

(2010). The interrelation of Agendas in Stem Cell Controversy: Politics, Science and Mass Media in the Spanish Context, El País and Abc (1996-2006), The International Journal of Science in Society, 2. (1)

(2010). Proposals for Societal Dialogue Framing the Controversy: The Case of Stem Cell Research in the Spanish Press. In the 11th International Conference on Communication of Science and Tecnology. Science Communication without Frontiers (several authors). 06 to 10 December, 2010, New Delhi, India, p. 115.

(2010). “A favor y en contra: las fuentes de la información sobre “células madre” en El País y Abc (1996-2006)” (For and against: sources of information on "stem cells" in El País and Abc (1996-2006)). In Perlado-Lamo-de-Espinosa, M. and Jiménez-Narros, C. (Eds.). XI Foro de Investigación en Comunicación. Escenario actual de la investigación en Comunicación: Objetivos, métodos y desafíos. Pp. 294-311.

(2009). Polémica sobre las ‘células madre’: comparación de la línea editorial de El País y Abc (1996-2006). Posicionamiento antropológico y de opinión (Controversy over 'stem cells': comparing the editorial lines of El País and Abc (1996-2006).

Anthropological and opinion positioning). In Noguera, J.M. (coordinator) Estudios de Periodística XV. El drama del Periodismo: Narración e información en la cultura del espectáculo, pp. 435-442, Murcia: UCAM.

(2009). Tratamiento periodístico de las ‘células madre’. Un análisis desde la perspectiva del framing (El País y Abc, 2002) (Journalistic treatment of 'stem cells'. An analysis from the perspective of framing (El País and Abc, 2002)). In Fernández-Sanz, J.J. and Sanz-Estables, C. (Coordinators). Prensa y periodismo especializado 4. Vol. 2, pp. 197-208

María-José Rabadán-Zaragoza, Cardenal Herrera University

She obtained a Masters Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) from the same university with the dissertation entitled Análisis del tratamiento informativo de las drogas en la prensa de información general de la Comunidad Valenciana en el periodo Enero-Junio 2008 (Analysis of the information treatment given to the subject of drugs in the general-information press of the Valencian Community from January to June 2008).

Professional experience:

Volunteer in the campaigns of the Spanish Foundation Against Drug Addiction (FAD) to recruit members, raise awareness about some institutional issues, and to maintain communication with the public. February to September 2010.

Market manager at Valencia’s Department of Tourism Communication, whose aim is the promotion of the touristic areas of Valencia in Spain and rest of the world. September 2007 - September 2009.

Communication technician at the Department of Communication of the consultant company CRM Adecua. September 2006 to February 2007.

Presentations in Congresses

2nd International congress of the Latina of Social Communication. Social communication in critical state. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, December 2010. Tratamiento periodístico del consumo de alcohol y su prevención en la prensa española desde la perspectiva del Framing. El País, El Mundo, Abc y La Razón (Enero- Junio 2009) (Journalistic treatment of alcohol consumption and its prevention in the Spanish press from the perspective of framing. El País, El Mundo, Abc and La Razón (January - June 2009).

5th International Congress of Press and Specialised Journalism. Guadalajara, Mexico, May, 2010. Tratamiento periodístico de las drogas en la prensa española desde la perspectiva del framing. El País, El Mundo y La Razón (Enero - Junio 2009) (Journalistic treatment of drugs in the Spanish press from the perspective of framing. El País, El Mundo, Abc and La Razón(January - June 2009).

7th International Congress of Students of Experimental and Health Sciences. Valencia, Spain, April, 2010. Una aproximación al tratamiento informativo de las drogas en la prensa de información general (An approximation to the informative treatment of drugs in the general-information press).

Three chapters in the book “La comunicación en la prevención de las drogodependencias” (Communication on the prevention of drug addiction), by Pilar Paricio-Esteban. Barcelona: Erasmus editions.


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How to Cite

Paricio-Esteban, P., Rodríguez-Luque, C. ., & Rabadán-Zaragoza, M.-J. . (2012). Analysis of the representation of alcohol consumption and its prevention, from the perspective of framing theory, in the Spanish press: El País, El Mundo, Abc and La Razón. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 322–346.


