Resonant communicators, successful communicators. Flow and communicator’s credibility




Broadcast, communication apprehension, self-efficacy, flow, communication training


Communication studies are integrating the last advances in neuroscience y cognitive science. The importance of understanding the subjective processes that determine the reception of communication is unanimously aknowledged. In this work, we argue for the necessity of taking into account the psychology of the communicator. We present the theoretical basis and the results of a model for the training of audiovisual communicators. The model is based in the theories of self-efficacy and flow. The training program seeks to improve students’ communication competence using both presentation techniques and psychological skills to prevent an excessive anxiety from interfering with their expressiveness. An active methodology is used that includes modelling, visualization, immediate feedback and positive reinforcement. A repeated measures ANOVA shows that the program is successful in lowering communication anxiety level, improving perceived self-efficacy, promoting the optimal psychological state for managing better in front of the cameras (flow), and improving communication quality. We use Path analysis to state that perceived self-efficacy and anxiety levels predict the level of flow during communication. At the end of the training program, those who experience higher levels of flow and enjoy the communication task achieve higher quality levels in their communication. It is concluded that self-efficacy and flow are useful concepts as factors that determine the communicator’s credibility and her ability to connect with the audience.


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Author Biographies

Irene García-Ureta, University of the País Vasco

Irene García-Ureta holds a B.A. degree in Psychology (1995) and a Ph.D. degree in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2005).

She teaches “Persuasive strategies in communication and advertising” in the programmes of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, and “Psychosociology of Consumption” in the B.A. programme in Advertising and Public Relations. Her lines of research focus in processes of cognitive, emotional and behavioral self-regulation, in the areas of consumer behaviour and communication, as well as the design and evaluation of training programmes for communicators.

She is the author and co-author of several academic articles on the psychology of consumption, which have been published by such journals as Revista de Psicología SocialThe Spanish Journal of PsychologyInvestigación y MarketingEstudios sobre ConsumoMathematical and Computer Modelling.

She has presented her research results in several international congresses, including: II Congreso Internacional Comunicación 3.0: Nuevos medios, nueva comunicación (Second International Conference Communications 3.0: New media, new communication); Mathematical Models of Addictive Behaviour, Medicine & Engineering; 10th International Conference Marketing Trends; I Congreso Internacional Los estudios de comunicación en el EEES (First International Congress: Communication Studies in the EEES); New Media & Information: Convergences & Divergences; IV Jornadas Internacionais de Jornalismo (Fourth International Congress of Communication); XXIII Congreso Internacional de Comunicación: Excelencia e innovación en la comunicación (23th International Congress of Communication: Excellence and innovation in communication).

Gotzon Toral-Madariaga, University of the País Vasco

Gotzon Toral-Madariaga holds a B.A. degree in Information Sciences (1982) and a Ph.D. degree in Communication Sciences (1997).

He initially worked in several radio stations, but started his academic activity in 1993. He is Professor of “Radio and television presenting”, “Oral communication strategies”, “Radio production” and “Emotional communication in multimedia production”.

His research lines are focused on the development of self-confidence and emotional communication, design of programmes for the training of broadcasters, and the new shared leadership styles and their application in sports.

He has directed the journal of Communication Studies Zer, and is a member of the Spanish Association of Communication Researchers (AEIC). He is the author of books such as “Tertulias, mentideros y programas de radio” (Talk-shows, gossip shows and radio programmes), “Liderazgo, un deporte de equipo” (Leadership, a team sport).

He has also presented his research results at several international conferences and academic journals such as ZerSigno y PensamientoMédiatiques. Récit et societéSphera Publica, and Mediatika o Uztaro.

Jon Murelaga-Ibarra, University of the País Vasco

Jon Murelaga-Ibarra holds a B.A. degree in journalism (1999) and a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication (2007).

He is Professor of “Techniques for audiovisual production” in the degrees of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, and “Introduction to radio and television production and directing” in the B.A. degree in Advertising and Public Relations.

His lines of research focus on the new mechanisms and systems of communication broadcasting and reception, design and evaluation of training programmes for consumers, and the evolution –digitalisation- of the media.


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How to Cite

García-Ureta, I. ., Toral-Madariaga, G., & Murelaga-Ibarra, J. . (2012). Resonant communicators, successful communicators. Flow and communicator’s credibility. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (67), 99–124.


