Institutional Advertising in Spanish Parliamentary Arena


  • Ángeles Feliu-Albaladejo University of Alicante



Political communication, institutional advertising, debates, parliament, regulation


This article presents a wiew of the  results  of a study about the appearances of the Institutional Advertising in the Spanish Congress, considered as one of the political communication arenas. The research is focused on the analysis of the parliamentary initiatives presented since 1992 and the corresponding debates. We are fundamentally interested in that legislative initiatives and its validity as background to other Spanish regulations concerning institutional advertising.


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Author Biography

Ángeles Feliu-Albaladejo, University of Alicante

Assistant Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Alicante, where she teaches the subjects of “Political communication” and “Fundamentals of Communication”.

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (Marketing and Advertising), and has obtained the “Certificate of research proficiency” with a work entitled “Institutional and Electoral Advertising”. She is currently writing her doctoral thesis, which is entitled “Institutional Advertising and electoral processes in Spain. 1999-2009” and is directed by Professor Martín Llaguno.

She is member of the Group of Studies on Institutional, Political and Social Advertising (GEPIPS), of the University of Alicante.

She has participated in two research projects with public funding. She is the author of several works on institutional and political advertising and thesocial aspects of advertising.


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How to Cite

Feliu-Albaladejo, Ángeles. 2011. “Institutional Advertising in Spanish Parliamentary Arena”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 66 (January):454-81.


