Social networks, political and Commitment 2.0: Spanish deputies in Facebook




political marketing, on-line marketing, social Networks, Facebook, political profiles


In the actual society the organizations that don’t use new supports and cybernetics technical of communication are predictably addressed to the failure. In this virtual sphere the social networks become a resource and a suitable channel for the implementation of the political marketing 2.0, creating a stage where the interaction with the users is possible. From this perspective, we have developed a follow-up of the 350 deputies of the Spanish Congress in Facebook, the most popular social network in the country, with the aim of ascertaining the presences and their typologies, frequencies of update, contents, resources and kind of published information. We also studied the interactiviness showed by the deputy, using a concept that we have patented: Commitment 2.0, the political communication in personal surroundings like the social networks demands to go from the participatory attitude to the action to participate; that is to say, to engage with the interaction 2.0 like the correct behaviour in the network.


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Author Biographies

José Miguel Túñez López, University of Santiago de Compostela

José Miguel Túñez-López was born in Caracas (Venezuela) on 23 October 1962. Full Professor of Production of Information at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

e holds a Ph.D. in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Member of the Research Group Novos Medios(New media) of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Research lines: Routines of newsmaking, corporate communication management; working conditions and professional attitudes of journalists.

José Sixto García, University of Santiago de Compostela

José Sixto-Garcia is researcher and professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

His lines of research include institutional/organizational communication, and marketing and social networks.

He recently published articles such as “Gabinetes que informan, medios que ratifican” (Offices that inform, media that ratify) and “Comportamientos activos en usuarios 2.0: Facebook supera a Tuenti, la red social que había sido líder en España. Causas, estrategias de comunicación e impacto en la recepción” (Active behaviours in users 2.0: Facebook beats Tuenti, the former leading social network in Spain. Causes, communication strategies and impact on reception).


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DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-64-2009-878-1.030-1.044 / CrossRed link

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How to Cite

Túñez López, J. M., & García, J. S. (2011). Social networks, political and Commitment 2.0: Spanish deputies in Facebook. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 213–234.


