Students’ perceptions about their competencies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)




Competencies, Information and Communication Technologies, university


In this time, human life is signed by information and communication technologies (ICT). Through ICT virtual spaces are created, in those, humans generate knowledge, interact and relate in ways that were unimaginable before; therefore, the study of competencies of ICT in students at the university, is important.

This research, subsidized by AECID (2009-10), was carried out to identify the competences in the use of ICT by university students at the University of Salamanca, in Spain, as well as at the University Autonoma of Chihuahua and in the Veracruzana University in Mexico. The sample included the groups of 20 teachers in each university, who use ICT in a meaningful way in their classes. The data obtained from a questionnaire applied to students. Results show trust of students toward their abilities and competencies to interact in environments mediated by ICT.


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Author Biographies

Ana María de Guadalupe, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, UACH

Ana María de Guadalupe Arras-Vota holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences from the ITESO (Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education), a Master’s degree in Management from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, and a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

She works as professor and researcher at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. She has the national recognition PROMEP Profile, which is given to professors that teach, investigate and publish according to quality criteria established by Mexico’s Ministry of Education. She is also a member of Mexico’s National System of Researchers Level 1, in the area of Economy. She supervises B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. theses. Her research interests include management, agrotechnology and education.

Author of the books Comunicación organizacional (Organisational Communication) and La acción comunicativa, estrategia de poder y agente de cambio en las prácticas organizacionales (Communicative action, power strategy, and agent of change in organisational practices), and co-author of the books Lenguaje y Comunicación(Language and Communication), La administración y su aplicación a empresas agropecuarias(Management and its application to agricultural enterprises). She is also the author of several book chapters. She has also published research articles in peer-reviewed journals. Some of these articles are: Comunicación y cambio organizacional (Communication and organisational change), Visión de la Administración Agrotecnológica como profesión (Vision of the Agro-technological administration as a profession), Consultoria ética, estrategia para pequeños y medianos productores del sector agropecuario (Ethical Consultancy: strategy for small and medium producers in the agricultural sector), and Redes de colaboración, estrategia empresarial en la inserción a cadenas de valor (Collaboration networks, business strategy in the insertion to value chains).

Carlos Arturo Torres-Gastelú, University of Veracruz

Carlos Arturo Torres-Gastelú holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, a Master's degree also in Computer Science, and Ph.D. Degree in Management Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is full professor and researcher at the Universidad Veracruzana.

He has participated in collegiate research projects about learning and innovation processes in rural micro-enterprises and their chances of incorporation to inter-institutional collaboration networks.

Author of various book chapters and articles, including: El uso del Blog en la impartición de experiencias educativas: El caso del programa educativo de Sistemas Computacionales Administrativos de la Universidad Veracruzana (Use of Blogs in the delivery of educational experiences: the case of the educational programme in administrative computer systems of the University of Veracruz); Diseño de una Ontología para la Reutilización del Conocimiento en los Procesos de Auditoría del Conocimiento (Design of an ontology for the recycling of knowledge in the knowledge audit process); Uso de las TIC’s en el proceso de Trazabilidad para MPYMES Apícolas Veracruzanas (Use of the ICTs in the process of traceability for Veracruz’s small and medium-sized beekeeping businesses); Management of Technology for the Service Economy; and Assimilation of Collaboration Technologies in a Large Mexican Firm.

Ana García Valcárcel Muñoz Repiso, University of Salamanca

Ana García-Valcárcel holds B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Education from the Pontificia University of Comillas (Madrid, Spain). She is full professor at the School of Education of the University of Salamanca. She directs the Department of Research Didactics, Organisation and Methods.

She is the author of several books and articles including: Competencias de los profesores para el uso de las TIC en la enseñanza (ICTs competencies in teachers); El marco europeo de enseñanza superior (The European higher education framework); El nuevo modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Universidad (The new university teaching-learning model); Construyendo la nueva agenda de la Educación a Distancia(Building the new agenda of distance learning); Causas del bajo rendimiento del estudiante universitario, en la opinión de los profesores y alumnos (Causes of university students’ poor performance, in the opinion of teachers and pupils); Propuestas de mejora en el marco del EEES (Proposals for improvement in the EHEA framework); La formación metacognitiva de futuros profesores de matemáticas a través de la utilización del vídeo (Metacognitive training of future mathematics teachers through the use of video); Investigar el cambio curricular en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, Herramientas tecnológicas para mejorar la docencia universitaria (Investigating the curricular change in the EHEA, technological tools to improve university teaching); and Una reflexión desde la experiencia y la investigación (A reflection based on experience and research).


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How to Cite

Ana María de Guadalupe, Carlos Arturo Torres-Gastelú, and Ana García Valcárcel Muñoz Repiso. 2011. “Students’ perceptions about their competencies in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 66 (June):130-55.


