Communication research in Spain, 1998-2007. An analysis of papers published in Spanish communication journals




Communication research, Spain, research methods, scientific journals


The growth of communication research in Spain in the last decade contrasts with the scarcity of works trying to describe the features and assess the quality of the research that we are doing. This paper has the purpose of advancing in this way. We present a quantitative content analysis of all papers published in four years between 1998 and 2007 (1998, 2002. 2003 and 2007) in four top Spanish journals in communication studies, with a sample of 285 texts, 235 from authors working in Spanish universities or other Spanish research centres. Results show that the Spanish communication researchers are basically interested in the study of Journalism, and more specifically in the analysis of news discourses. It is, too, an empirically-oriented research, but with a widely methodological limitations. These limitations have been diminishing along the period included in this analysis, but it seems to be growing in the works published more recently.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Martínez Nicolás, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Doctor of Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1994). Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1990-1996), University of Santiago de Compostela (1996-2003), and the Rey Juan Carlos University (since 2003), where he teaches subjects related to communication research methods.

Between 2001 and 2003 he directed the research group Communication, Democracy and Citizenship of the University of Santiago de Compostela. He is currently a Member of the Group of Advanced Studies in Communication ( of the Rey Juan Carlos University, and Professor in the academic M.A. and PhD. programme in Applied Research on Communication

From 2006 to 2008 he was Associate Dean of Academic Organisation at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University. During this period he coordinated the adaptation of the communication degrees to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Since 2009 he coordinates the degree in Journalism at the aforementioned University.

Recent published works

▪ 2011     “De la brecha digital a la brecha cívica. Acceso a las tecnologías de la comunicación y participación ciudadana en la vida pública" (From the digital divide to the civic divide. Access to the communication technologies and citizens’ participation in public life), Telos, 86 (in press).

▪ 2010     “Uso político de internet y brecha cívica" (The political use of the internet and the civic divide). In M. Martínez Hermida (ed.): Ciudad y comunicación (City and communication). Madrid: Fragua pp. 313-332. Available at:

▪ 2009     “La gestión informativa del debate sobre la guerra de Irak en la prensa de referencia internacional” (Information treatment of the debate on the war of Iraq in the international press), Sistema. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 210: 71-97 (with M. L. Humanes).

▪ 2009     “La investigación sobre comunicación en España. Evolución histórica y retos actuales” (Communication research in Spain. Historical developments and current challenges), Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, N. 64. Available at: (

▪ 2008     Para investigar la comunicación. Propuestas teórico-metodológicas (Researching communication. Theoretical-methodological proposals). Madrid: Tecnos.

▪ 2008     “La Boda Real española como acontecimiento mediático. Audiencias y estrategias de recepción en la retransmisión televisiva de la boda del Príncipe de Asturias” (The Spanish Royal Wedding as a media event. Audiences and reception strategies in the television broadcasting of the wedding of the Prince of Asturias), Revista Internacional de Sociología, 50, pp. 65-93 (with F. Bermejo et al.).

▪ 2007     “Agitación en el campo. Nueve ideas para la investigación sobre Comunicación Política en España” (Agitation in the field. Nine ideas for research on political communication in Spain), Política y Sociedad, 44 (2): pp. 209-227.

▪ 2006     “Masa (en situación) crítica. La investiga-ción sobre periodismo en España: comunidad científica e intereses de conocimiento” (Critical Mass. Journalism research in Spain: scientific community and knowledge interests), Anàlisi. Quaderns de Comunicació i Cultura, 33: pp. 135-170.

▪ 2006     “Aprender a ver televisión. Estrategias familiares para la apropiación del medio televisivo” (Learning to watch Television. Family strategies for the appropriation of the medium of television), Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía, 58 (2): pp. 219-232.

Enric Saperas Lapiedra, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Enric Saperas is Chair Professor of Journalism. He holds B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1980 and 1986).

He worked as Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982-1990) and the Pompeu Fabra University (1991-2001). He is currently Professor of Communication Theories and director of the academic M.A. programme in Applied Research on Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid).

He has had academic responsibilities at the three universities, as Associate Dean of research at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1984-1987), Director of the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University (1994-1998), and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Rey Juan Carlos University (2004-2008), among other administrative responsibilities.

He is a member of the Group of Advanced Studies in Communication (Geac – and researcher responsible for the Laboratory for research on television and digital images (Liite –

He is currently a researcher responsible for managing the research project “Professional cultures in Spanish political journalism” (reference number: CS2009-11029. Sub-programme CPOL).


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How to Cite

Martínez Nicolás, Manuel, and Enric Saperas Lapiedra. 2011. “Communication research in Spain, 1998-2007. An analysis of papers published in Spanish communication journals”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 66 (August):101-29.


