Television and Infancy: five years after the Self-regulation Code




Television, programme planning, self-regulation, juvenile protection


In the context of the technological transformations caused by digital TV appearance, the management and exploitation of TDT presents important challenges to operators. Among them, one of the most outstanding challenges is to show contents which ensure a correct literacy of juveniles, or their protection against violence and harmful social behaviours. A group of researchers of the Rey Juan Carlos University, myself included, have followed up the TV contents shown in the hours with a special infant protection, taking as reference the Self-regulation Code on TV Contents and Infancy signed by the main national and autonomous networks in Spain. The results of this comparative study which includes all the programmes that TVE1, Antena3, Cuatro, Tele5, La Sexta and Telemadrid broadcasted in that timetable from September to December of 2008 and July to September of 2009, have allowed us to prepare a diagnosis of the degree of fulfilment or non-fulfilment of the aforementioned Code.


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Author Biographies

Ángeles Fernández Martínez, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Angeles Fernández-Martínez holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (from the Complutense University of Madrid) and a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (from the URJC).

Since 1982 she has been the Director of Communication of the Spanish Union of Cooperative Entities of Agricultural Credit (UNESCAR), National Union of Cooperatives of Consumers and Users, and Union of Cooperative Dealers. She has directed the magazines “Bulletin de la Union”, “IBER-COOP” and “Inforvino”. She has also coordinated the edition of the “Revista de Economía Social” (Social Economy Magazine) and has been working with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in the correction and editing of publications in the Spanish language.

Currently she is a full Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, (in the area of journalism, where she has taught the subject “Fundamentals of Public Relations”, “Introduction to Advertising” and “Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility”). She is a member of the Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC) of the Rey Juan Carlos University, where she has developed the projects, among others, “The telephone as an instrument of social service” (France-Telecom Foundation) and “Monitoring and evaluation of the agreement for the promotion of self-regulation on television content and children”, (Ministry of the Presidency).

Mª Cruz López de Ayala-López, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Mª Cruz López de Ayala Lopez holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (from the Complutense University of Madrid) and a Ph.D. in Communication sciences (from the URJC).

She is currently a Professor in the area of advertising at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Since 1995 she has taught, among other subjects, “Social Structure of Spain”, “Social Structure”, “Sociology”, “Sociology of the consumer”, “Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility”, “Communication Theory” and “Information theory” (at the Centre for Advanced Social and Legal Studies Ramón Carande at the Complutense University of Madrid; the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences and Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Rey Juan Carlos University). She is a member of the Research Group on Communication, Society and Culture (GICOMSOC) of the Rey Juan Carlos University. She has participated in research projects related to the social aspects of the information and communication technologies: “Analysis of use and consumption of media and social networks on the Internet among Spanish teens. Characteristics and risk practices”. Non-oriented fundamental research projects from the Ministry of Science and Innovation 2010-2013; “Study on the uses of the Internet among minors in the community of Madrid. Risks and features”, URJC-Community de Madrid, January-December 2009; “The telephone as an instrument of social service”, France-Telecom Foundation, March 2007 to September 2008; “Spanish Society and ICTs”, CIS, January-December 1998; and “Monitoring and evaluation of the agreement for the promotion of self-regulation on television content and children”, Ministry of the Presidency.

She a Spanish representative from the URJC in European Action COST 269 “User aspects of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies)”, 1999-2004. She has also presented articles and papers on issues related to family, consumption, and ICTs.


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How to Cite

Fernández Martínez, Ángeles ., & López de Ayala-López, M. C. (2011). Television and Infancy: five years after the Self-regulation Code. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (66), 31–62.




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