The communication in the organizations of the third sector


  • Patricia Durán Bravo Autonomous University of Puebla
  • María Belén Fernández Fuentes Autonomous University of Puebla



Third sector, Organizational communication, México, Civil Society


The organizations of the Third Sector favor the social development due to their capacity to produce human capital and share capital in a society (Putman, 2001). This implies a positive change in the relations of individuals, groups and institutions in a society, in order to reach the social welfare. To world-wide level the expectations on the capacity of answer to the social problems and the transparency of the OTS go in increase. In Mexico, this problematic one is more complex, since it is necessary to face the little professionalisation, the low level of transparency and surrender of accounts and a weak culture of the participation in the organized civil society (ITAM 2010). Before this, it is necessary to indicate that the development of the organized civil society will depend to a great extent on its capacity to communicate its values to the Mexican society and of obtaining a change of articles of incorporation and cultural. Reason why, the OTS must take strategic initiatives that they reinforce the confidence and the reputation; with donors more and more demanding public and deprived in its criteria to select projects and to grant resources; with a little participating society; and finally, with problematic social more and more complex.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Durán Bravo, Autonomous University of Puebla

Patricia Durán-Bravo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences and a Master’s degree in Management. At the beginning of her career she worked in several media like Grupo Radio Oro and Televisa Puebla as a writer, reporter and coordinator of several investigative journalism projects.

She has also worked in advertising agencies in the area of marketing research. In 1994, she joined the company CEMEX Tepeaca Plant (Puebla, Mexico) as Chief of social development, where she coordinated the internal communication and public relations. Subsequently, was promoted to Training Adviser in the human resources area of CEMEX- Southeast region.

In 1997 she joined the School of Communication Sciences at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, as Full professor in the B.A. programme in Communication.

Her outstanding teaching work led her to occupy, for 4 years, the academic Secretary of the B.A. programme in Communication, which is accredited by the National Council for the accreditation of communication (CONAC). Since 2005 she is Director of the School of Communication Sciences at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla. She also coordinates the School’s academic journal (Meta communication) and is President of the Academy of organisational communication.

She researches on organisational communication at the CONACYT’s academic body “Strategic communication” of the School of Communication Sciences at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla. Her research project is called “Communication in the third sector organisations. A proposal for community foundations”, which is supervised by professor Abraham Nosnik and will be presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Applied Communication from the Anahuac University of North Mexico. She is associated researcher at the Research Centre for Applied Communication, which his coordinated by Ma. Antonieta Rebeil Corella, Ph.D. from the School of Communication of the Anahuac University of North Mexico.

María Belén Fernández Fuentes, Autonomous University of Puebla

Maria Belen Fernandez-Fuentes holds a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, where she works as a Professor in the Schools of Information Sciences, Communication Sciences, and Chemical Sciences. She is currently a Full researcher and professor at the Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla thanks to a teaching and researching permit granted by the Complutense University of Madrid.

Maria Belen Fernandez-Fuentes was the Deputy Director of the magazine Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información (Documentation of the Information Sciences) and coordinator of the International Ph.D. Programme in “Documentation: Foundations, Technologies and Applications” offered by the Department of Librarianship and Documentation of the School of Information Sciences of the Complutense University of Madrid until 2010 when she moved to Mexico to work in research and education.

In 2009 and 2010 she collaborated with the General Directorate of Libraries of Mexico’s National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA) in the design, review and production of the training materials for Mexican public librarians. She teaches the subject of bibliographic and historiographic research methods on applied communication in the Ph.D. programme in Applied Communication offered by the Anahuac Universidad of North Mexico.

She is part of various research groups as specialist in retrieval, representation and dissemination of scientific and technical information in Spain, Italy and Mexico. She has published numerous articles on these topics. She is also advises and coordinates the production of technical reports on technology watch in European research projects.

In the last two years she has coordinated the project on educational innovation focused on the improvement and implementation of the Virtual Library of Informative Documentation at the Virtual Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid. At the Autonomous University of Puebla, she has recently been appointed as leader of the academic body dedicated to research on organizational communication, where she is responsible for the issues related to knowledge management in organisations.

She also co-manages a research project on research methodology in communication at the Anahuac University of North Mexico in collaboration with María Antonieta Rebeil Corella, Ph.D.


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How to Cite

Durán Bravo, P., & Fernández Fuentes, M. B. (2010). The communication in the organizations of the third sector. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 325–339.


