Representations of the armed conflict in Colombian cinema




Cinematography, Colombian cinema, armed conflict, representation, characters, actions, scenarios


Cinema is an act of representation and it is based on the construction of reality inspired by experience. In Colombia, cinema has not been the product of a structured industry, but rather the effort of some filmmakers who have found different ways of telling stories about topics that are part of the national experience. The armed conflict in Colombia, understood as the confrontation between government forces and organized outlawed groups, has prevailed for more than fifty years and has been present in art forms ever since. This research examines a sample of Colombian films to establish the different ways the subject of the armed conflict has been represented in Colombian cinema.


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Author Biographies

Jerónimo Rivera Betancur, University of La Sabana

Jerónimo Rivera-Betancur holds a Master’s degree in Education from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a social communicator at the University of Antioquia and a specialist in film and TV stage direction at the EICTV, the International School of Cinema and Television (Cuba).

He is the Director of the Latin American research network in audiovisual narratives (INAV), head of the area of audiovisual communication and Director of Palabra Clave magazine of the University of La Sabana.

e is the author of the books La imagen una mirada por construir (The image, a view to be built), Narrativas Audiovisuales: personajes, acciones y escenarios (Audiovisual narratives: characters, actions and scenarios), and Cine: Recetas y Símbolos (Cinema: Recipes and Symbols). Academic par of the area of communications at Colciencias (Colombia) and Cyted (Latin America). He is professor of film appreciation and scriptwriting.

(Web page<>)

Sandra Ruiz Moreno, Del Rosario University

Sandra Ruiz holds a Master’s degree in Audiovisual Business Management from the Carlos III University of Madrid. She is a social communicator and journalist at the University of La Sabana (Colombia).

For nine years she worked as producer of different commercial television programmes in Colombia and from 2001 to this day she has focused on teaching, about subjects related to audiovisual production in different genres.

She has undertaken several investigations in audiovisual narratives and is currently part of the Latin American research network in audiovisual narratives (INAV).


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How to Cite

Rivera Betancur, J. ., & Ruiz Moreno, S. . (2024). Representations of the armed conflict in Colombian cinema. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65).


