Journalistic roles and objectivity in Spanish and Swiss journalism. An applied model of analysis of journalism culture




objectivity, journalistic roles, journalism culture, El Mundo, NZZ


This research is been carried out in order to analyse the different perceptions of the professional roles and objectivity journalists from two different quality newspapers have. We measure journalistic culture using the model signed by Hanitzsch (2007). We create our own model of analysis and we applied it to 19 journalists. We have carried out qualitative interviews between journalists from El Mundo (Madrid, Spain) and Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) from Zurich (Switzerland). Results show some evidences of two different journalism cultures but also some similarities in the perception that journalists have of their own role and how they conceive objectivity in information.


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Author Biographies

Mª Rosa, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

Rosa Berganza is a Senior Lecturer of Communication Theory and Political Communication at the Faculty of Communication of the Rey Juan Carlos University. She is the Delegate of the Dean of the Rey Juan Carlos University for E-Learning Degrees and Gender Policies. She is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Public Opinion Research (IJPOR) and the Journal of Political Marketing.

Her recent works include articles published in international peer-reviewed journals containing cross-national studies from a comparative perspective, including Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly (2010), Journalism Studies (2011), Journal of Political Marketing (2009); and European Journal of Communication (2008). She has also recently published articles in the best raked Spanish peer-reviewed journals including Revista Latina de Comunicación Social (2010), Comunicación y Sociedad (2011; 2003, 2001, 1999), and ZER (2008; 2006).

Her research primarily focuses on political communication, transnational comparative studies of media and journalism, European Union campaigns, election coverage and campaigning, campaign effects and public opinion and women and the media.

More information about her studies, research projects, and publications can be found on her website (

Martín Oller-Alonso, University of Murcia

Martín Oller-Alonso is a Ph.D. student at the University of Murcia, within the programme “Current Technics and Methods in Communication and Documentation”. He is currently in the last year of studies in Advertising and PR.

Martín Oller-Alonso holds a Master’s degree in Avanced Studies in Communication from the University of Murcia (2009), and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Murcia (2008). He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Sport Science from the Catholic University of San Antonio, Murcia (2002).

He was a Secondary School Teacher of Physical Education at the University of Murcia in 1999.

Katrin Meier, University of Zurich

Katrin Meier holds a Masters’ degree from the University of Zurich (2009), and a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communication, English Literature and German Linguistics, also from the University of Zurich (2009).

Research assistant at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research of the University of Zurich (IPMZ) (2005-2009).

Tutor of first-year-students of Journalism and Communication (2007-2008).

Journalist working for various Swiss publications including the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (2003-2010).


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How to Cite

Mª Rosa, Oller-Alonso, M., & Meier, K. (2024). Journalistic roles and objectivity in Spanish and Swiss journalism. An applied model of analysis of journalism culture. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65).


