Women, engagement and censorship in Spanish Cinema. 1939-1959


  • Fátima Gil Gascón International University of La Rioja
  • Salvador Gómez García Complutense University of Madrid




Francoism, cinema, censorship, women, reception


This research analyzes the feminine identity through love and engagement representations in Spanish cinema during the first years of francoism (1939-1959). The fieldwork was two hundred films released in these years. The election agreed two criterion: first, how much time they were showed in cinema and, second, relevance with this research. We have completed with the analysis of censorship reports about that films. This research strand reflects the master lines of the regime about the representation of the official model of woman. This research consulted the most relevant women magazines to check similarities and differences with cinema.
In conclusion, love –in Spanish films in these years– wasn’t the romantic feeling, other artistically forms represents. The female audience understood this sensation -love- with engagement (conducted to marriage) and family. That’s all the spanish women have to done in the francoism Spain. 


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Author Biographies

Fátima Gil Gascón, International University of La Rioja

She is a Doctor, with a European mention, in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid.

She has a degree in making historical documentaries and has co-directed the documentary “Los años robados” (Broadcast by TVE, Bárbara Ansón Award 2006).

Currently she is a professor at the Faculty of Communication at the International University of La Rioja where she teaches the subjects Theory and History of the Image and History of Spain in the 20th century.

She has been a professor-researcher in the Department of History of Social Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid and a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford Brookes University, (Great Britain).

She is a member of the Complutense research group "History and structure of communication and entertainment" and is part of the research project "History of entertainment in Spain during the Franco regime: culture, consumption and audiovisual content (film, radio and television)" recognized and funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Salvador Gómez García, Complutense University of Madrid

He is a Doctor, with a European mention, in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid.

At present, he is a professor of History of social communication and History of the image at the Felipe II Center for Higher Studies and a doctoral professor in the Department of History of Social Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid.

He has been a visiting professor at the Universidad Católica de Santiago de Chile and the Instituto Tecnológico de Copenhagen. He has published his research in History and Social Communication, Journalistic Message Studies and Open Area among others.

He is a member of the Complutense research group "History and structure of communication and entertainment" and is part of the research project "History of entertainment in Spain during the Franco regime: culture, consumption and audiovisual content (film, radio and television)" recognized and funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.


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How to Cite

Gil Gascón, F., & Gómez García, S. . (2024). Women, engagement and censorship in Spanish Cinema. 1939-1959. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65). https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2010-1089


