Analysis of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero’s non-verbal communication
television, electronic leader, show, non-verbal communication, politics, Rodríguez ZapateroAbstract
Politicians, aware of the high level of persuasion and impact television has, have progressively adapted their messages to the guidelines of the audiovisual media to strongly persuade TV viewers, seen as potential voters. Nowadays, communication teams, telegenic quality and marketing from varied political parties, do not only train their politicians to deal with non-verbal communication effectively, but they also reinforce the non-verbal sphere, understanding that a really effective message is so when both dimensions stick together. The present research focuses in a thorough study of the non-verbal language displayed by the Spanish government president, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, in the first quarter of 2010 throughout which, among other, a political topic remains: the economic crisis. By means of a content analysis, and through a self-developed tool and working method, we will decipher the strategic meaning of this political leader’s kinesic behaviour in the informing pieces broadcast in the second edition of the news broadcast by Televisión Española (TVE) (Spanish public TV).
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