Usable and accessible websites in SMEs. Challenges for the future


  • María García García University of Extremadura (UEX)
  • Ana Castillo Díaz University of Extremadura (UEX)



Usability, Web accessibility, SMEs, communication


Nowadays companies are undergoing constant changes. The competence is becoming harder, not only in real life but also on the Internet. Because of that, transfering correctly the brand from the offline to the online environment can be a decisive element of differentiation for any company, especially to SMEs, whose limited budgets do not allow prodigious actions in mass media. The usability has become an important issue in online brand transmission and, on the other hand, it can be highlighted the importance of the accesibility, which allows access to the brand to the general public, without discrimination. Owing an usable and accessible web, would make the electronic navigation easier, would improve the image of the companies and would ensure the brand loyalty.

This article shows the results of a research that has analyzed how SMEs communicate with their audiences establishing the usability and accessibility as main brand supporters in the online environment. The results indicate that SMEs take into account the usability but just as technological aspect, not as a branding issue. The accessibility is a secondary concern in web design, pages show a lack of any standard and webs are not totally accessible. SMEs are worried about how to move their brands to the World Wide Web only to a limited extent. SMEs do not use all the potential resources that the network offers.


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Author Biographies

María García García, University of Extremadura (UEX)

Degree in Audiovisual Communication, University of Extremadura.

Among her lines of research are business communication, especially online, corporate communication and SMEs. Sample of them are the various national and international congresses in which she has participated.

Ana Castillo Díaz, University of Extremadura (UEX)

PhD in Communication, University of Extremadura. She has a degree in Information Sciences, specializing in Advertising from the University of Seville.

Among her lines of research are institutional communication, online business and institutional communication, and communication and health. Within this field of study she has been part of the team of various national and international research projects, she has published articles in specialized magazines and has participated in numerous national and international conferences.

She is co-author of the books “Image and communication in SMEs” (Fragua, 2005), “Integral Communication and Social Responsibility in organizations” (Prentice Hall, 2009).

She is co-director of the international courses at the University of Extremadura “e-Branding” and “Brands that make a difference”, which since 2006 constitute an interesting forum for debate on brands on and off the Internet.


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How to Cite

García García, M. ., & Castillo Díaz, A. (2024). Usable and accessible websites in SMEs. Challenges for the future. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65).


