Political actions in the matter of digital terrestrial television taken by the community of Madrid during the course 2008-2009
Digital Terrestrial Television, DTT, Mass Media Society, Community of Madrid, Audio-visual policyAbstract
El The growth and implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTTV or DTT) in the Community of Madrid arise from a technological issue of adjustment towards the new land based (terrestrial) signals broadcasting requirement, as well as the political decision to reach very ambitious targets, carefully designed, and supported with sufficient budgets to achieve their objectives. As the Community of Madrid pretends to take the leadership of the implementation of the Digital Terrestrial Television into Spain, this essay seeks to display the more relevant political actions carried out by the government of this Community within the years 2008-09 for the switchover of the Analogue Terrestrial Television Broadcast. It is remembered in this essay that this regional policy of technological adjustment leaded by the Community of Madrid is framed within a policy at national level, called -El Plan Avanza (The Advance Plan) (2009-2012)- that it establishes, according with the Infrastructure section, an important support for the implementation of the DTT at national level and that, as well, comes determined by the National Technical Plan from Digital Terrestrial Television(NTPDTT). This research studies the degree of the DTT establishment around the hole Community homes during 2008-2009, as well as the informative campaigns elaborated to spread the knowledge of this technological change to ensure necessary social support, and analyzing the effectiveness of the political actions from the collected data.
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