Digital Communication and Politics in Aragon. A two-way communication formula for interaction between politicians and citizens




Blogs, Internet, Communication, Aragon, Political parties


This research presents blogs as an innovative and rich tool for political communication. Blogs may be able to provide a new two-way communication and true interaction between citizens and politicians. The article analyses the content, use and characteristics in-depth of five weblogs of Aragonese politicians. The study detects a few weaknesses in the current use of blogs by politicians. However, it finally encourages political parties to use blogs and some other online resources to rekindle the reputation of political leaders not only during electoral campaigns but more often, especially in situations of crisis and some other special moments of interest for the citizenship. The study proves that the use of blogs by Aragonese politicians is not a weird phenomenon anymore and it has become a true reality. Also, it is stated that the blog function is mostly pre-electoral, and it is not an element of communication used often to promote democracy. It has been observed the existence blogs by politicians as a tool to overcome crisis or pot-holes. Blogs are used to compensate negative opinions result of certain awkward actions.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Cabezuelo Lorenzo, San Pablo CEU University

Francisco Cabezuelo holds a B.A. in Journalism and a Ph.D. in ‘Information technologies, structures and treatments’ from the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid. 
He teaches Communication and Information Theory at the San Pablo-CEU University. 
He has been a research fellow of the “La Caixa” Foundation at McGill University and the Caja Madrid Foundation at The Queen's University of Belfast, North Ireland.
He is part of several regional, national and European research bodies.
He has published more than twenty articles in academic journals and chapters in collective works.

María Ruiz Carreras, Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

María Ruiz-Carreras holds a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the Faculty of Communication Sciences at San Jorge University, Zaragoza, Spain.

She is currently pursuing Postgraduate Studies at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, and working at the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents (ACPE), in Madrid.


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How to Cite

Cabezuelo Lorenzo, Francisco, and María Ruiz Carreras. 2024. “Digital Communication and Politics in Aragon. A Two-Way Communication Formula for Interaction Between Politicians and Citizens”. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, no. 65 (January).


