The weak bet on videos in 360º in the transmedia strategies of Spanish autonomic televisions




virtual reality; 360º videos; immersive journalism; transmedia; public television


Introduction. The use that the Spanish public regional televisions make of the 360º videos is analyzed. Methodology. The 360º videos are studied in the Spanish autonomous television channels analyzing their website and social platforms Facebook and YouTube and considering some variables to determine if they were isolated pieces or fragments of a story with extensions in other platforms or media as well as to determine if they fit into a transmedia strategy. Results, discussion and conclusions. The results indicate that the presence of these contents is testimonial in the Spanish regional television channels. The offer of immersive content is scarce if we compare it with that of other multimedia formats. Furthermore, the possibilities offered by this format are not taken advantage of.


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Author Biographies

Juan Ignacio Cantero de Julián, Castilla-La Mancha University. Spain

Majored in Journalism from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha with official Master in lecturing Mandatory Middle School Education, High School, Professional Training and Language Teaching also in Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. He has worked as journalist for the digital newspaper El Deporte Conquense. He was one of the founders and funders of this project. He has taught Global Media Structure, Cyberjournalism, Sports Journalism, Spanish Media Systems, Opinion and Interpretation Genres and Institutional and Corporative Communication lessons in Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. At present, he is writing his doctoral thesis about environmental journalism and, simultaneously, researching about virtual reality and 360° video. He also coordinates the digital medium of the Journalism Faculty of Castilla-La Mancha, El Observador.

Luis Mauricio Calvo Rubio, Castilla-La Mancha University. Spain

PhD from Univerdad de Castilla-La Mancha. Majored in Journalism from Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA) and College Master in Communication, Culture, Society and Politics from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Over two decades, he has practiced his professional career as a journalist and responsible of some mediums in the printed press, radio and television ambit. During the recent past years, his professional and academic work have been focused on the possibilities for communication in a new digital environment and, especially, in transmedia journalism. Currently, he combines research and teaching with his professional work linked with corporative communication.

Miguel Ángel Benedicto Solsona, European University of Madrid. Spain

He has a degree in Law, Journalism and Political Sciences. President of the Debate and Ideas Association, he is general secretary of the European Movement in Spain and partner and manager of Gobernas Consulting. He is currently a professor of Political Sciences in Universidad Europea and associate professor of International Relations in the Political Sciences Faculty of Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been head of Internacional en Telemadrid and worked for 6 years as consultant of the communication policies for the European Commission and is member of the Team Europe. As a researcher he was in Charles University in Prague and was a professor of the Chichester College. He is author of the books Estados Unidos 3.0 (2012), Europa a Debate (2006) and La Mayor Operación de Solidaridad de la Historia (2007).


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How to Cite

Cantero de Julián, J. I. ., Calvo Rubio, L. M. ., & Benedicto Solsona, M. Ángel . (2020). The weak bet on videos in 360º in the transmedia strategies of Spanish autonomic televisions. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (75), 415–433.




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