The Spanish territorial agendas: a thematic analysis of the debates in the regional elections of the year 2019




political communication; agenda-setting; television; electoral debates; regional elections; political science


Introduction: This research thematically analyzes the televised electoral debates held in the different Autonomous Communities of Spain that held elections in 2019. Methodology: Coding and aggregation through a score of the topics expressed by each candidate, determined by the structure of the debate on each television. Table presentation and application of Spearman's correlation coefficient to measure correlation levels. Results: The chronic issues (economic policy, public services, and employment) occupy the first positions in rank in most of the Autonomous Communities, adding the one of “Ideology and campaign”, typical of electoral contexts. Discussion and conclusions: The presence of nationalist or regionalist political parties in the government tends to generate shared problems between their respective territories.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Carlos López-López, University of Santiago de Compostela

Paulo Carlos López-López (Bergondo, A Coruña, 1985) holds a Ph.D. from the University of Santiago de Compostela with a thesis on communication and electoral processes. Professor and researcher of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, he belongs to the International Network of Communication Management Research. He holds the Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Doctoral Program of Communication and Journalism of the USC. Degree in Journalism in the field of electronic journalism and a Degree in Political Science and Administration in the branch of International Relations by the same University. He has a Continuing Education in Journalism Specialized in Political Information course. He has more than half a hundred published scientific articles, participating in more than 30 national and international conferences. Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Communication and Development, he has been a reviewer in and has been part of scientific committees of more than a dozen publications. Work experience in electoral campaigns, organizational communication, press office, and parliamentary management. He was director of the Media, Applied Technologies, and Communication Research Group of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador obtaining in his second year the category A, the maximum granted by the institution, coordinating a Master's Degree in Political Communication. He has made postdoctoral stays in Argentine and Chilean universities. Drago Prize 2019 for a study on transparency.

Palmira Chavero Ramírez, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences

Palmira Chavero Ramírez (Monesterio, Badajoz, 1983) has a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) in 2012; Degree in Journalism from the same university. She is a researcher for the Agenda y Voto research team and the Government, Administration, and Public Policy Research Group (GIGAPP by its acronym in Spanish). She has taught at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), the Ortega and Gasset University Research Institute (Spain), and has been the coordinator of the Communication and Rights Laboratory in Ecuador (IAEN). She is a full professor and researcher at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) in Ecuador, in the Department of International Studies and Communication. She is the coordinator of the Research Master's Degree in Communication and Public Opinion. She is a member of scientific committees of academic journals and a reviewer in international scientific journals. She is the director of FLACSO Radio. Her lines of work are Political Communication and Public Opinion. She studies the relationship between the media (and the new communication tools) and the different actors in the public sphere, especially those of the political system and citizens. In 2011 she received the “I Joan Prats Young Researchers Award”, awarded by Gigapp and the Ortega and Gasset University Research Institute. Co-author of more than a dozen books, articles in specialized scientific journals, and numerous conferences and presentations at international conferences. She has worked as a journalist for more than ten years and is a collaborator in analysis programs in the Ecuadorian media; in 2008 she received the March 8th Journalism Award.

María Pereira López, University of Santiago de Compostela

Compostela with the thesis “Models for the construction of indicators for the evaluation of public services: definition and operation of the service coverage index” (2013), thesis protected by intellectual property rights, Extraordinary Doctorate Award, and First-second prize of the INAP’s Prize for Doctoral Thesis. Professor of Political Science at the USC and member of the Political Research Team of the USC listed as a Competitive Reference Group by the Xunta de Galicia.  She holds the Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Ph.D. Program of Contemporary Political Processes of the USC and the degrees of Official Master's Degree in Statistical Techniques and Master's Degree in Political Marketing: Strategies and Actors, both by the aforementioned university. Degree in Political Science and Administration from the USC. She has extensive methodological training, with the completion of different courses in the statistical field and neurophysiology. She has a large number of articles published in impact scientific journals, as well as communications in national and international conferences. She is Deputy Secretary of the Journal of Political and Sociological Research (RIPS by its acronym in Spanish) and Secretary of MARCO Magazine. Marketing and Communication. Work experience in electoral campaigns, organizational communication, press office, and parliamentary management. She worked as a senior consultant in several political and communicative consultants and was Chief of Staff of the Analysis and Projection Secretariat of the Xunta de Galicia during 2006-2009.


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How to Cite

López-López, P. C. ., Chavero Ramírez, P. ., & Pereira López, M. . (2020). The Spanish territorial agendas: a thematic analysis of the debates in the regional elections of the year 2019. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (76), 163–188.




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