Economic, political and communicative power in the neoliberal societies




Power and media, political economy, globalisation, concentration, commodification, media management


The article analyses the relation between the economic, political and communicative power in the socioeconomic model named neoliberal globalisation. First, the transformations in the economic power are presented, to analyse then the mechanisms linking this economic power in transition with the media performance. Among these mechanisms, we analyse the control of ownership and other external financial sources; the origin of commercial income; and the management techniques, investigating the relations of these variables with the events in the economic sphere. In the political economy tradition, the article analyses the implications of the concentration of economic, political and communicative power on democracy and freedom, taking into account the evolution of the socioeconomic and political system in the last decades.


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Author Biography

Laura Bergés Saura, Autonomous University of Barcelona

PhD in Communication by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (AUB) and M.A. in Financial Information by the AUB and the College of Journalists of Catalonia. She is specialized in the economics of communication and communication policies.

Laura Bergés is professor of media business management at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, AUB and is part of the EuroMedia Research Group, aimed at the comparative analysis of the structures and communication policies in Europe. She is author of the last two publications of the group.

She has also  with the Catalonia Broadcasting Council, in its annual reports on the audiovisual sector, and advice on issues and actions related to the economy of the media.

She has participated and led research projects developed by the Communication Institute at the UAB, in relation to the media groups and the advertising market.

She is experienced in managing communications of NGOs and has participated with several community media.

Some publications

Laura Bergés and Gunn Enli (2010): “Commercial Television: Business in Transition”.  In Euromedia Research Group: Media in Europe today. Bristol: Intellect.

Rosario de Mateo, Laura Bergés, Marta Sabater(2009). Gestión de empresas de comunicación (Management of media companies). Zamora/Seville: Comunicación Social, 285 pp. ISBN: 978-84-96082-90-8. E-book ISBN: 978-84-96082-91-5

Rosario de Mateo, Laura Bergés (2009) Los retos de las televisiones públicas: Financiación, servicio público y libre mercado (The challenges of public television: Financing, public service and free market). Zamora/Seville: Comunicación Social, 224 pp. ISBN 978-84-96082-81-6. ISBN (e-book edition): 978-84-96082-82-3

Rosario de Mateo, Laura Bergés (2007). “Fat Cats: Private commercial television in Europe” In: Trappel J. and Meyer, W. (eds.): Media Policy in Europe: Power, Performance, & Politics. Germany: Nomos. ISBN 978-3-8329-2763-9.


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How to Cite

Bergés Saura, L. (2010). Economic, political and communicative power in the neoliberal societies. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 244–254.


