Scientific field of Communication: examining its intellectual structure through cocitation analysis




scientific field of communication, citation analysis, author cocitation analysis (ACA), documents cocitation analysis, journal cocitation analysis, intellectual structure


Presents the results obtained in the analysis of Communication as a scientific field from a metric point of view. The research was conducted from the use of bibliometric techniques and visualization tools, through which they tried to reveal the intellectual structure of the field in question, shown in published studies between 2000 and 2007 in the mainstream international journals that comprise the Web of Science. Considering the source analyzed it was found that Communication is an area of interdisciplinary knowledge characterized by epistemological legitimacy still insufficient, with a marked absence of reflections and theoretical proposals themselves from the field and that its structure is divided into two intelectutal well-defined subdisciplines: Interpersonal Communication and Mass Communication, crossed transversely by New Technologies.


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Author Biography

Yelina Piedra Salomón, University of La Havana

B.A. in Library and Information Science (LIS) by the University of Havana in 2005, M.A. in Information Science since June 2009.

She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. programme in Biblioecology and Scientific Information, coordinated by the universities of Granada and Havana. Currently working as a teacher at the Department of Information Science, which is part of the Faculty of Communication at the same university, where she teaches the courses Metric Studies of Information, Users of Information, and Interpersonal Communication Workshop for Information Professionals.

She has participated in national and international events of the specialty, like the International Congress of Information (INFO 2006 and 2008), VI International meeting of researchers and scholars of Information and Communications (ICOM 2006), 2nd National Workshop of Specialized Libraries (2008), 7th National Librarian Day (2009), and the 8th Latin American Meeting of Faculties of Communication (FELAFACS 2009). Her main lines of research are the evaluation of science (applied mainly to the field of Communications)

Publications in scientific journals:
- “Análisis métrico de la producción científica en Comunicación Social en Cuba” (Metric Analysis of scientific production in Social Communication in Cuba), In Acimed. 2006; 14(4)
- “Los valores del profesional de la información ante el reto de la introducción de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación” (The values of information professionals to face the challenge of the introduction of new information and communication technologies) In Acimed 2006; 14 (5)
- “Usabilidad: la evaluación de los servicios en el entorno Web” (Usability: the evaluation of services in the Web environment) In Acimed 2006; 14(5)
- “Producción científica” (Scientific Production) In Ciencias de la Información vol. 3 N.1, 2007

Presentations at scientific meetings:
- "Research on Social Communication in Cuba: Metric study of scientific production based on the analysis of Diploma and Degree thesis from 1994-2004”. Presented at the 3rd International Seminar on Quantitative and Qualitative Studies of Science and Technology "Professor Gilberto Sotolongo" in International Congress of Information INFO 2006.
- “Analysis of scientific collaboration and social networks in the university context”. Presented at the 6th International meeting of Information and Communication researchers and scholars ICOM 2006.
- "Metric Studies of information: its relevance for the analysis of scientific production and communication". Presented at the Research Panel on Social Communication at the 5th International Meeting of Information and Communication Researchers and Scholars.
- "Hirsh's H index: reflections on its usefulness for the evaluation of research in Cuba". Presented at the 4th International Seminar on quantitative and qualitative studies of science and technology, "Professor Gilberto Sotolongo Aguilar" at the International Information Congress INFO 2008.
- "Research in Communication: metric analysis of scientific output in the Web of Science (WOS) period 1998-2007”. Presented at the 2nd National Specialized Libraries Workshop. November 2008. Centro de Estudios Martianos. La Havana.
- Lecture: "Metric Analysis of scientific production on Social Science in the database Cubaciencia. Period 2000-2008". Presented at the 7th National Librarian Day. La Havana. 15 to 17 July 2009.
- Lecture: "The Scientific Field of Communication: Reflections from a domain perspective". Presented at the 8th Latin American Meeting of Faculties of Communication (FELAFACS). La Havana. 19 to 22 October 2009.


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How to Cite

Piedra Salomón, Y. (2010). Scientific field of Communication: examining its intellectual structure through cocitation analysis. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 204–213.


