Scientific field of Communication: examining its intellectual structure through cocitation analysis
scientific field of communication, citation analysis, author cocitation analysis (ACA), documents cocitation analysis, journal cocitation analysis, intellectual structureAbstract
Presents the results obtained in the analysis of Communication as a scientific field from a metric point of view. The research was conducted from the use of bibliometric techniques and visualization tools, through which they tried to reveal the intellectual structure of the field in question, shown in published studies between 2000 and 2007 in the mainstream international journals that comprise the Web of Science. Considering the source analyzed it was found that Communication is an area of interdisciplinary knowledge characterized by epistemological legitimacy still insufficient, with a marked absence of reflections and theoretical proposals themselves from the field and that its structure is divided into two intelectutal well-defined subdisciplines: Interpersonal Communication and Mass Communication, crossed transversely by New Technologies.
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