Social networks as journalistic paradigm. Spanish media on Facebook




cybermedia, Spain, Facebook, interaction, journalism, social networks


Spain is one of the countries with higher use of social networks in the world. Among them, Facebook is emerging as one of the most significant internationally. If these phenomena are combined with the current transformation of journalism, it is not surprising that some Spanish cybermedia have approached this platform to develop new products for the Web. From this starting point, this article focuses on the recent performances of Spanish cybermedia within social networks, specifically Facebook, with an exploratory study about both the use of native media of Web and media from the print newspapers. This research studies the use of most important Spanish cybermedia from a structured observation. Data are collected through a content analysis with an ad hoc questionnaire. The results point out few cybermedia which seem to take advantage of these networks in terms of participation. This allows us to conclude that we are in a young state of relations on the Web, where spaces and resources are not optimized.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Noguera Vivo, San Antonio de Murcia Catholic University

José Manuel Noguera Vivo PhD in Communication and Lecturer of Digital Communication at the Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia, Spain.

Previously, lecturer of Digital Journalism and Media Strategy at the University SEK (Spain) and the American University of Acapulco (Mexico).

Her research interests include digital journalism, blogging, social media on the Web, the cyberdemocracy and corporate communication on the Web.

Author of Blogs and Media (LibrosEnRed, 2008). Since April 2004, he maintains the personal blog about digital trends and journalism La Azotea (


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How to Cite

Noguera Vivo, J. M. . (2010). Social networks as journalistic paradigm. Spanish media on Facebook. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 176–186.




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