The processing of TV news discussion: from the information to the dramatization


  • Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel University of Salamanca
  • Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo University of Salamanca
  • María del Camino Gallego Santos University of Salamanca



TV, news, information processing, language development, narrative spectacle of information, manipulation


TV news program is the backbone of national, regional and local TV channels. This type of programs has been changing over the time. The essence of the information is being modified and adopting a new format. Based on this principle, this research analyses the language evolution used on the Spanish TV news programs from its origins until today.

The current research has been carried out in three different phases: late 80’s, 90’s and nowadays. The use of both quantitative and qualitative methodology has allowed us to get deeper into our research.

The achieved results show that TV news programs have been acquiring a changing narrative style along its course: they began with an “objective” type of information, followed by a dramatic type of information using shocking visual content, to reach a dramatic type of information where the audience can identify and make aware themselves with the affected people in the news.

The information used as a show is the new identity mark of the current TV news programs to achieve greater levels of audience.


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Author Biographies

Begoña Gutiérrez San Miguel, University of Salamanca

PhD in History of Art. B.A. in Philosophy and Literature, and B.A. in Geography and History with speciality in Geography from the University of Oviedo.

Research interests revolve around the subject of audiovisual narrative language, and with particular focus on issues of genre and cinema, environment and cinema, and nationalism and identity formation through audiovisual media and television narrative content. She has published extensively about these research topics in printed, videographic, and digital formats.

She is currently a Senior University Lecturer of the B.A in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Faculty of Social Sciences, part of the Department of Sociology at the University of Salamanca. She has lectured at the University of Oviedo, the School of Art and Design, the Ministry of Education and Science (Huesca), the University of Azuay, the School of Communication, Cuenca (Ecuador), the Teacher Training College of Huesca, and the University of Zaragoza

Member of the Organizing Committee of Canal TV 45 in the third Black Week of the city of Gijón, also participating as news director and leading one of the ENG units covering 7-hours every day during the week. First initiative in the broadcasting of Asturias as local Television, as part of the Week’s celebrations. Member of the Board of Huesca’s Film Festival. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Director of the Communication and Protocol Cabinet of the University of Salamanca.

Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo, University of Salamanca

PhD in Sociology and Communication, B.A. in Audiovisual Communication, and Diploma in Social Work from the University of Salamanca.

Her interest on the field of Communications and Information, and the close relationship of these with the Social Sciences, has guided her to specialize in the field of New Technologies and Community Development.

Her current lines of research in these issues revolve around the uses of New Technologies within the rural context, cyber-democracy. On the other hand and as a result of her relationship to different media, the subject of audiovisual content in its different forms (like TV, advertising, radio, cinema) is also an area of great research interest.  

In 2003, she decided to focus her professional work within the academic world as a professor in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Salamanca, and from 2008 onwards she is part of the faculty of IE University (Segovia), in the B.A. in Communications.

María del Camino Gallego Santos, University of Salamanca

Currently writing up his doctoral thesis on television romance genres. B.A. in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca and B.A. in Information Sciences and Journalism from the Pontificia University de Salamanca.

In 2004 he began teaching several subjects at the SEK University of Segovia (now IE University) like Audiovisual Communication and Information, Journalism, Journalistic Writing, and Sonorization and Audio Communication.

Following the lines of investigation open during the period of university education, his specialty lies in the creation of television formats, specifically the so-called gossip press. Because of his experience in the media, his research interest extends to the analysis of audiovisual content like film, radio, and the Internet.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez San Miguel, B., Rodríguez Fidalgo, M. ., & Gallego Santos, M. del C. . (2010). The processing of TV news discussion: from the information to the dramatization. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 126–145.




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