Media representations of social networks: a case study




Social networks, Media representation, Media system, Web 2.0, Actantial analysis


Social networks are one of the most recent chapters in the study of the social impacts of information and communication technologies (ICT), the subject of theoretical debate, and a recurrent topic on the media agenda. From the analysis of two Spanish newspapers  –El Heraldo de Aragón and El Periódico de Aragón, the article examines the media representation of social networks on the journalistic discourse of both newspapers. This analysis takes into account the context of the differences between social networks and the media, as representatives of the characteristics and dynamics of the Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, respectively. In terms of methodology, the text explores the possibilities for the analysis of the journalistic discourse from the articulation of Greimas's actantial model, the narrative analysis suggested by Franzosi, and the journalistic discourse analysis proposed by Van Dijk. The text proposes a methodological perspective for the journalistic discourse and also describes the major tendencies on those issues related to social networks that have a remarkable presence in both newspapers, as well as the principal sources of information, and the most recurrent actantial roles played by the different subjects on the texts analyzed.


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Author Biography

Lázaro M. Bacallao Pino, University of La Havana

Bachelor of Social Communication (2003) and Master in Communication Sciences (2006), from the University of Havana.

Lazaro has investigated issues related to ICT, alternative communication and social movements in Latin America.

His articles have been published in Cuba, Latin America and Spain. Lazaro is currently undertaking doctoral research in the Department of Sociology at the University of Zaragoza, Spain.

He is the holder of scholarship from the Unizar-Santander programme for “Sociology, city, culture and development”.

The research presented in this article has been undertaken as part of his doctoral program.


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How to Cite

Bacallao Pino, L. M. . (2010). Media representations of social networks: a case study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (65), 114–125.




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