The Media’s Construction of Cuba. An Analysis of the Journalistic Discourse of The Washington Post




discourse analysis, journalistic discourse, media construction, The Washington Post, Cuba


The article shows the main findings of a qualitative piece of research based on a unique, inclusive, descriptive case aimed at critically analysing the journalistic discourse of American newspaper The Washington Post about Cuba in two significant moments of the island´s recent history: Fidel Castro´s proclamation in July 31, 2006, and Raúl Castro’s Presidential election in February, 2008.  The main topics, discursive strategies and linguistic resources prioritised by the newspaper to portray Cuba during that period are examined and several converging points between the newspaper´s discourse and Bush Administration´s political discourse about Cuba are revealed.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ernesto Gómez Masjuán, University of La Havana

Professor of Journalism Hypermedia.
Acting Head of the discipline Hypermedia Communication, Technology and Society.
Master in Sciences of Communication.
BA in Journalism from the School of Communication at the University of Havana.
Cuba’s 2009 Digital Journalism Award winner.

Area of Research: Analysis of the Cuba topic in the journalistic discourse of the mass media in America and Europe.


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How to Cite

Gómez Masjuán, M. E. (2010). The Media’s Construction of Cuba. An Analysis of the Journalistic Discourse of The Washington Post. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 099–113.


