Terrorism and Politics Are the Main Topics in the Front Pages of the Basque Press. Content and Area Analysis of Regional Newspapers’ Front Pages


  • Jesús Canga Larequi University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU)




Front pages, Basque Press, Areas, News, Terrorism, Contents, Regional Press


This paper shows the results of the research project 08/20 of the University of the Basque Country about the news published in the front pages of the basque newspapers in the years 1996, 2001 and 2006.

The researchers have analyzed the front pages of the basque press to determine if they match the demands and interests of their readers. This study also shows which are the most important topics for this newspapers. This research analyzes 2.448 front pages of the main 5 basque newspapers, with a total 19.156 news items. For this work, a specific methodology has been developed, for either a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The data shown in this paper are a briefing of the more accurate results of the research.


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Author Biography

Jesús Canga Larequi, University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU)

Professor of Journalism in the Department of Journalism II (UPV/EHU)

Degree in Journalism: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) 1979
Degree in Journalism: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) 1984
Doctorate in Journalism: Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) 1987

Professional Experience
Sub-editor, La Hoja del Lunes (Bilbao, 1979/1982)
Sub-editor, Tribuna Vasca (Bilbao, 1982/1983)
Editor, Municipal Newspaper Akta, Ayto. Bilbao, 1985/1987

Academic Posts and Positions
Director, Department of Journalism II (1991/94, 1998/01)
Director, Master in Journalism El Correo/UPV (1995/98, 2003/06)
University Council UPV (2004,08)

Books Published
- Diarios digitales. Apuntes sobre un nuevo medio [Digital Newspapers. Notes on a New Médium]. Ed. UPV/EHU, 1999
- El Diseño Periodístico en Prensa Diaria [Journalistic Design in the Daily Press]. Ed. Bosch, 1994
- La Prensa y las Nuevas Tecnologías [The Press and New Technologies]. Ed. Deusto, 1988

Articles in scientific journals
- Periodismo en la Red. Diseño Periodístico y Ediciones Digitales [Journalism on the Net. Journalistic Design and Digital Editions]. Telos, 2005
- Periodismo e Internet: Nuevo Medio, Vieja Profesión [Journalism and Internet: New Medium, Old Profession]. Estudios del Mensaje Periodístico, 2001
- Un Nuevo Medio para un Nuevo Siglo [A New Medium for a New Century]. Revista de Prensa, 2000
- ¿Quién teme al periódico digital? [Who’s Afraid of the Digital Newspaper?]. Revista Latina de Comunicación, 1999
- Del umbral al portal [From Threshold to Portal]. ZER, 1999
- La Digitalización de Imágenes Monocromas en Prensa [The Digitization of Monochrome Images in the Press]. Telos, 1989

Articles in profesional journals
- El Diseño en las Ediciones Online. Técnicas de prensa [Design in Online Editions. Press Techniques]. IFRA, 2002


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How to Cite

Canga Larequi, J. (2022). Terrorism and Politics Are the Main Topics in the Front Pages of the Basque Press. Content and Area Analysis of Regional Newspapers’ Front Pages. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 061–070. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2010-883-061-070


