Participation in radio programs and immigration. The Romanian case
radio, programs, participation, inmigration, ethnic media, RomaniansAbstract
The Spanish social daily context has evolved during the last few years into a multicultural society, but these ‘new citizens’ are very poorly represented on public media. They rarely become protagonists of any piece of news and when they do, the limitations faced by the news broadcasting tend to stereotyped discourses.
Romania leads the ranking of immigration by country of origin in Spain and there are numerous ethnic media. Along with these specific media, there are other multicultural channels, which allow the voice of the immigrants be heard, plus they deal with the different identities in a deeper manner, easing the integration and coexistence.
Having in mind the hypothesis that the participation of the Romanians in radio programs turns to be insufficient, as well as contents referring to this ethnic group, the aim of this research is to carry out a radio consumption analysis on a longitudinal basis, the form of participation of Romanians in radio programs and their image, derived from content approach. Therefore, four programs are analyzed: ‘Nuevos Ciudadanos’ (Punto Radio), 'Otros Acentos' (Radio Exterior de RNE), 'Rumano en el Mundo' (Radio Tentación) y 'Buenas Tardes Rumania' (Integración Radio).
According to the debate and conclusions, a low consumption of news radio broadcasting is observed and the predominant forms of participation are mainly two: those regarding legal queries and musical dedications, specially on ethnic stations as a way to reinforce their identity nature. Furthermore, since the labour law moratorium lifted for Romanians and Bulgarians in January 2009 and the implementation of free movement of these workers, the content regarding this ethnic group on programs above mentioned has decreased.
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